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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes - 1995

Variable Listing for Module: Drugs

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


HERUSNOW: Do more people take heroin in Northern Ireland now than 5 years ago?

HERCRIME: Is heroin a cause of crime and violence?

HEROINOK: Is heroin as damaging to users as some people think?

HERLEGAD: If you legalise heroin will more people become addicts?

HERUSPR: Should people be prosecuted for possessing small amounts of heroin for their own use?

HERSELPR: Should people who sell heroin always be prosecuted?

HERLEGAL: Should taking heroin be legal?

CANUSNOW: Do more people take cannabis in Northern Ireland now than 5 years ago?

CANUSFUT: Will more people take cannabis in the next 5 years?

CANYOUNG: Is cannabis is mainly used just by young people nowadays?

CANSELF: Have you ever tried cannabis?

CANFREQ: How often have you tried cannabis?

CANCRIME: Is cannabis a cause of crime and violence?

CANNABOK: Is cannabis as damaging to users as some people think?

CANLEGAD: If you legalise cannabis will more people become addicts?

CANUSEPR: Should people be prosecuted for possessing small amounts of cannabis for their own use?

CANSELPR: Should people who sell cannabis always be prosecuted?

CANLEGAL: Should taking cannabis be legal?

DRUGSC1: Must doctors be allowed to prescribe drugs for those who are addicted to them?

DRUGSC2: Should the UK aim to become a drug-free society?

DRUGSC3: Should adults be free to take any drug they wish?

DRUGSC4: Do all adults have a duty to prevent young people from using illegal drugs?

DRUGSC5: Does the use of 'soft' drugs lead to the use of 'hard' drugs?

DRUGSC6: Should all illegal drugs be made legal?

DRUGSC7: Is the best way to treat people addicted to drugs to stop them from using drugs altogether?

DRUGSC8: Can taking illegal drugs sometimes be beneficial?

DRUGSC9: Does the use of illegal drugs always lead to addiction?

DRUGSC10: Can you ever trust someone who is addicted to drugs?

DRUGSC11: Should people addicted to drugs decide for themselves whether they have treatment?

DRUGSC12: Is taking drugs always morally wrong?

DRUGSC13: Is all use of illegal drugs misuse?

DRUGSC14: Should we accept that using illegal drugs is a normal part of some people's lives?

DRUGSC15: Would the legalisation of drugs lead to a considerable increase in misuse?

DRUGSC16: Is the only way to help addicts to make them have treatment?

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