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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1994

Variable Listing for Module: Public_Spending

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


GVSPEND1: Would you like more government spending on the environment?

GVSPEND2: Would you like more government spending on health.

GVSPEND3: Would you like more government spending on the police and law enforcement?

GVSPEND4: Would you like more government spending on education?

GVSPEND5: Would you like more government spending on the military and defence?

GVSPEND6: Would you like more government spending on old age pensions?

GVSPEND7: Would you like more government spending on unemployment benefits?

GVSPEND8: Would you like more government spending on culture and the arts?

NMARBABY: Is it morally wrong for an unmarried couple to have a child?

SMUMBABY: Is it morally wrong for a 30-year single women not in a permanent relationship to have a child?

SOCBEN1: Highest priority for extra government spending on social benefits?

SOCBEN2: Next highest priority for extra government spending on social benefits

SPEND1: What is your highest priority for extra government spending?

SPEND2: What is your second highest priority for extra government spending?

DOLE: Opinion on level of unemployment benefits.

NHSSAT: Satisfaction with way National Health Service runs.

GPSAT: Satisfaction with running of local doctors or GPs.

DENTSAT: Satisfaction with running of NHS dentists.

INPATSAT: Satisfaction with being in hospital as an in-patient.

OUTPASAT: Satisfaction with attending hospital as an out-patient.

PRIVMED: Are you covered by a private health insurance scheme?

PRIVPAID: Does employer pay most of the cost of a private health insurance scheme?

NHSLIMIT: Support idea of NHS only available to those with lower incomes?

WHCHHOSP: Would you have a say about which hospital you went for an operation?

GPCHANGE: How difficult would it be to change your GP?

TAXSPEND: Reduce/increase taxes or spending on health, education and social benefits?

INPAT1: Would hospital doctors tell you all you need to know before an operation?

INPAT2: Would hospital doctors take your views seriously?

INPAT3: Do operations take place on the day they are booked for?

INPAT4: Would you be discharged from hospital only when you were really well enough?

INPAT5: Would nurses take any complaints seriously?

INPAT6: Would hospital doctors take any complaints seriously?

INPAT7: Would there be a particular nurse responsible for dealing with you?

OUTPAT1: Would you get an out-patient appointment in 3 months for a back problem?

OUTPAT2: Would a doctor see you within half an hour of an appointment in an out-patient clinic?

OUTPAT3: Could you make a complaint in an out-patient department?

SINGMUM1: Should a single mother with a child under school age go to work?

SINGMUM2: Should the government help financially with child-care for a single mother with a child under school age?

SMUMSCH1: Should a single mother with a child of school age go to work?

SMUMSCH2: Should the government help financially with child-care outside school for a single mother?

SMARMUM1: Do unmarried mothers who find it hard to cope have only themselves to blame?

SMARMUM2: Do unmarried mothers get too little sympathy from society?

FALSECLM: Do large numbers of people falsely claim benefits?

FAILCLM: Do large numbers of people who are eleigible for benefits fail to claim them?

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Disclaimer:© SOL 2003 Last Updated on Tuesday, 16-Mar-2004 14:44