MUCHPOV: How much real poverty is there in the UK?
PASTPOV: In the last ten years, has poverty in the UK has been increasing?
FUTURPOV: In the next ten years will poverty in the UK increase?
POVERTY1: Is someone in UK in poverty if they had enough to buy the things they really needed, but not enough to buy the things most people take for granted?
POVERTY2: Is someone in UK in poverty if they had enough to eat and live, but not enough to buy the things they really needed?
POVERTY3: Is someone in UK in poverty if they had not got enough to eat and live without getting into debt?
WHYNEED: Why do you think there are people who live in need?
FEELPOOR: How often do you and your household feel poor nowadays?
UB1POOR: Has a 25 year old unemployed woman living on benefits have enough to live on?
MUMPOOR: Does an unemployed single mother on benefits have enough to live on?
UB1ON45: Does a 25 year old unemployed woman with an income of £45 a week after rent have enough to live on?
MUMON77: Does an unemployed single mother with an income of £77 a week after rent have enough to live on?
MTUNMAR1: Should an unmarried father make maintenance payments to support his child?
MTUNMAR2: Should an unmarried father's maintenance payments depend on his income?
MTUNMAR3: Should an unmarried father's maintenance payment depend on the mother's income?
MTUNMAR4: Should an unmarried father's maintenance payment depend on the step-father's income?
WORSEOFF: Who is worse off financially when a marriage breaks up?