Monday March 17, 2025

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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1994

Year: 1994

Module: Politics
Variable: VOTED92

Now I would like to ask some questionsa bout politics. Talking to people, we have found that a lot of people don't manage to vote. How about you? Did you manage to vote in the last general election in April 1992?

Index to tables on this page

  1. % of men and women
  2. % of people of different ages
  3. % of people of different religions.

Overall Results %
Yes, voted73
Too young to vote3
Not eligible/not on register2
Don't know0
Not answered0

Results for men and women
Yes, voted 73 73
No 22 21
Too young to vote 3 3
Not eligible/not on register 2 2
Don't know 1 0
Not answered 0 0

Table Index

Results for people of different ages
Yes, voted 47 68 76 82 83 84
No 25 30 22 18 16 15
Too young to vote 20 0 0 0 0 0
Not eligible/not on register 8 1 1 0 1 0
Don't know 0 1 1 1 0 1
Not answered 0 0 0 0 1 0

Table Index

Results for people of different religions
 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Yes, voted 72 78 53
No 22 18 41
Too young to vote 4 3 1
Not eligible/not on register 2 1 5
Don't know 0 1 0
Not answered 0 0 0

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Disclaimer:© SOL 2003 Last Updated on Tuesday, 16-Mar-2004 15:35