NIPARTY: Which Northern Ireland political party would you support?
UNINATID: Do you think of yourself as a unionist, a nationalist or neither?
RICHLAW: Is there one law for the rich and one for the poor?
READPAP: Do you normally read a daily morning newspaper?
WHPAPER: Which morning newspaper do you normally read?
CENSOR: Is censorship of films and magazines necessary?
UNTDIREL: Do you think a united Ireland is likely?
POLITICS: How much interest do you have in politics?
WELFRESP: Does the welfare state make people less willing to look after themselves?
WELFSTIG: Are people receiving social security made to feel like second class citizens?
WELFHELP: Does the welfare state encourage people to stop helping each other?
MOREWELF: Should the government spend more on welfare benefits?
UNEMPJOB: Could most unemployed people find a job?
SOCHELP: Do many people on benefits not deserve any help?
DOLEFIDL: Are most people on the dole fiddling?
WELFFEET: Would people stand on own feet if welfare benefits were lower?
REDISTRB: Should the government redistribute income from the better-off?
BIGBUSNN: Does big business benefit owners at the expense of workers?
WEALTH: Do ordinary people get their fair share of the nation's wealth?
INDUST4: Will management always try to get the better of employees?
STIFSENT: Should their be stiffer sentences for people breaking the law?
DEATHAPP: Is the death penalty appropriate for some crimes?
OBEY: Should schools teach children to obey authority?
IREINTNI: Do you trust a united Ireland government to act in the best interests of Northern Ireland?
WRONGLAW: Should the law always be obeyed?
TRADVALS: Do young people have enough respect for traditional values?
VOTED92: Did you manage to vote in the general election in April 1992?
VOTERESN: Do you usually vote for a party or a candidate?