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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1994

Variable Listing for Module: Political_Trust

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


GOVNOSAY: Do people have no say in what the government does?

MONARCHY: How important is it for the UK to have a monarchy?

GOVTWORK: How well does the present system of governing in UK work?

APATHY4: Can politicians have much impact?

GOVCOMP: Can politics and government seem so complicated that a person cannot understand what is going on?

LOSETCH: Do those we elect lose touch with the people pretty quickly?

PTYNTMAT: Do things go on much the same whatever party is in power?

VOTEINTR: Are parties only interested in people's votes, not in their opinions?

GOVTRUST: Do UK governments put their party political interests first?

COALITIN: Is it better to have a government formed by one political party or a coalition?

VOTESYST: Should the voting system be changed?

INFPOLIT: Are you better informed about politics than most people?

PROTEST5: Should damaging government buildings be allowed?

OBEYLAW: Should people obey the law without exception?

PROPREP: Should the UK introduce proportional representation for Westminster elections?

PROTEST2: Should publishing pamphlets against the government be allowed?

PROTEST4: Should occupying a government office be allowed?

PAPTRUST: Do you trust journalists to pursue the truth above a good story?

PROTEST3: Should organising protest marches and demonstrations be allowed?

PROTEST1: Should organising public meetings to protest against the government be allowed?

PROTEST6: Should organising a nationwide strike against the government be allowed?

TUPOWER: Do you think that trade unions have too much power?

BUSPOWER: Do you think that business and industry have too much power?

GOVPOWER: o you think that the government has too much power?

GOVTDOPR: Can UK governments do much to keep prices down?

GOVTDOUN: Can UK governments do much to reduce unemployment?

GOVTDOSL: Can UK governments do much to improve the general standard of living?

GOVTDOSS: Can UK governments do much to improve the health and social services?

GOVTDOPV: Can UK governments do much to reduce poverty?

GOVTCRIM: Can UK governments do much to cut crime?

NHSRUN2: How well run is the NHS?

PRESSRN2: How well run is the press?

LGOVRUN2: How well run is local government?

CSRUN2: How well run is the civil service?

MANURUN2: How well run is manufacturing industry?

BANKRUN2: How well run are banks?

UNIONRN2: How well run are the trade unions?

BBCRUN2: How well run is the BBC?

POLICRN2: How well run is the police?

UNIVRUN: How well run are universities?

SCHLRUN: How well run are state schools?

VOTEDUTY: IS it worth voting in a general election?

APATHY1: Do you wish it were easier to get your views across to politicians?

APATHY2: Are politicians in it just for themseves?

APATHY3: Are politicians good enough to do their job?

APATHY5: Does it not really matter which party is in power, in the end things go on much the same?

DOMP: Action against unjust law: would contact MP?

DOSPK: Action against unjust law: would speak to an influential person?

DOGOV: Action against unjust law: would contact a government department?

DOTV: Action against unjust law: would contact media?

DOSIGN: Action against unjust law: would sign a petition?

DORAIS: Action against unjust law: would raise issue in an organisation already belong to?

DOPROT: Action against unjust law: would go on a protest?

DOGRP: Action against unjust law: would form a group of like-minded people?

DONONE: Action against unjust law: would do none of these?

DONEMP: Action against unjust law: have contacted MP?

DONESPK: Action against unjust law: have spoken to an influential person?

DONEGOV: Action against unjust law: have contacted a government department?

DONETV: Action against unjust law: have contacted media?

DONESIGN: Action against unjust law: have signed a petition?

DONERAIS: Action against unjust law: have raised issue in an organisation already belong to?

DONEPROT: Action against unjust law: have gone on a protest?

DONEGRP: Action against unjust law: have formed a group of like-minded people?

DONEACT: Action against unjust law: how many actions carried out

BREAKLAW: Are there any circumstances in which you might break a law to which you were very strongly opposed?

LORDS: Should the House of Lords remain as it is?

LORDSHOW: What change is needed for the House of Lords?

VOTEONLY: Is voting the only way people can have any say about how the government runs things?

CLRTRUST: Do local councillors put their party political interests first?

MPSTRUST: Do you trust politicians to tell the truth in a tight corner?

CSTRUST: Do top civil servants stand against a minister who wants to provide false information?

POLTRUST: Do the police bend the rules in getting a conviction?

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