GOVNOSAY: Do people have no say in what the government does?
MONARCHY: How important is it for the UK to have a monarchy?
GOVTWORK: How well does the present system of governing in UK work?
APATHY4: Can politicians have much impact?
GOVCOMP: Can politics and government seem so complicated that a person cannot understand what is going on?
LOSETCH: Do those we elect lose touch with the people pretty quickly?
PTYNTMAT: Do things go on much the same whatever party is in power?
VOTEINTR: Are parties only interested in people's votes, not in their opinions?
GOVTRUST: Do UK governments put their party political interests first?
COALITIN: Is it better to have a government formed by one political party or a coalition?
VOTESYST: Should the voting system be changed?
INFPOLIT: Are you better informed about politics than most people?
PROTEST5: Should damaging government buildings be allowed?
OBEYLAW: Should people obey the law without exception?
PROPREP: Should the UK introduce proportional representation for Westminster elections?
PROTEST2: Should publishing pamphlets against the government be allowed?
PROTEST4: Should occupying a government office be allowed?
PAPTRUST: Do you trust journalists to pursue the truth above a good story?
PROTEST3: Should organising protest marches and demonstrations be allowed?
PROTEST1: Should organising public meetings to protest against the government be allowed?
PROTEST6: Should organising a nationwide strike against the government be allowed?
TUPOWER: Do you think that trade unions have too much power?
BUSPOWER: Do you think that business and industry have too much power?
GOVPOWER: o you think that the government has too much power?
GOVTDOPR: Can UK governments do much to keep prices down?
GOVTDOUN: Can UK governments do much to reduce unemployment?
GOVTDOSL: Can UK governments do much to improve the general standard of living?
GOVTDOSS: Can UK governments do much to improve the health and social services?
GOVTDOPV: Can UK governments do much to reduce poverty?
GOVTCRIM: Can UK governments do much to cut crime?
NHSRUN2: How well run is the NHS?
PRESSRN2: How well run is the press?
LGOVRUN2: How well run is local government?
CSRUN2: How well run is the civil service?
MANURUN2: How well run is manufacturing industry?
BANKRUN2: How well run are banks?
UNIONRN2: How well run are the trade unions?
BBCRUN2: How well run is the BBC?
POLICRN2: How well run is the police?
UNIVRUN: How well run are universities?
SCHLRUN: How well run are state schools?
VOTEDUTY: IS it worth voting in a general election?
APATHY1: Do you wish it were easier to get your views across to politicians?
APATHY2: Are politicians in it just for themseves?
APATHY3: Are politicians good enough to do their job?
APATHY5: Does it not really matter which party is in power, in the end things go on much the same?
DOMP: Action against unjust law: would contact MP?
DOSPK: Action against unjust law: would speak to an influential person?
DOGOV: Action against unjust law: would contact a government department?
DOTV: Action against unjust law: would contact media?
DOSIGN: Action against unjust law: would sign a petition?
DORAIS: Action against unjust law: would raise issue in an organisation already belong to?
DOPROT: Action against unjust law: would go on a protest?
DOGRP: Action against unjust law: would form a group of like-minded people?
DONONE: Action against unjust law: would do none of these?
DONEMP: Action against unjust law: have contacted MP?
DONESPK: Action against unjust law: have spoken to an influential person?
DONEGOV: Action against unjust law: have contacted a government department?
DONETV: Action against unjust law: have contacted media?
DONESIGN: Action against unjust law: have signed a petition?
DONERAIS: Action against unjust law: have raised issue in an organisation already belong to?
DONEPROT: Action against unjust law: have gone on a protest?
DONEGRP: Action against unjust law: have formed a group of like-minded people?
DONEACT: Action against unjust law: how many actions carried out
BREAKLAW: Are there any circumstances in which you might break a law to which you were very strongly opposed?
LORDS: Should the House of Lords remain as it is?
LORDSHOW: What change is needed for the House of Lords?
VOTEONLY: Is voting the only way people can have any say about how the government runs things?
CLRTRUST: Do local councillors put their party political interests first?
MPSTRUST: Do you trust politicians to tell the truth in a tight corner?
CSTRUST: Do top civil servants stand against a minister who wants to provide false information?
POLTRUST: Do the police bend the rules in getting a conviction?