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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1994

Variable Listing for Module: Gender_and_Family_Roles

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


WWRELCHD: Can a working mother establish just as warm and secure a relationship with her children as a mother who does not work?

WWCHDSUF: Is a pre-school child likely to suffer if his or her mother works?

WWFAMSUF: Does family life suffer when the woman has a full-time job?

WANTHOME: Is a home and children what most women want?

HWIFEFFL: Is being a housewife just as fulfilling as working for pay?

FEMJOB: Is having a job the best way for a woman to be an independent person?

WOMENWRK: Do most women have to work to support their families?

BOTHEARN: Should both the man and woman contribute to the household income?

SEXROLE: Is a man's job to earn money and a women's job to look after the home and family?

TRADROLE: Is it not good if the man stays at home and cares for the children and the woman goes out to work?

FAMLIFE: Does family life suffer because men concentrate too much on their work?

IDLNCHLD: What is the ideal number of children for a family to have?

MTHRWRKD: Did your mother ever work for pay for as long as one year after you were born and before you were 14?

PMSWRNG: Are sexual relations before marriage wrong?

TNSWRNG: Is sex when under 16 wrong?

EMSWRNG: Is extra-marital sex wrong?

HMSWRNG: Are sexual relations between two adults of the same sex wrong?

HARASSCW: Have you ever been sexually harassed at work?

CPLINCOM: How do you and your spouse/partner organise the income that one or both of you receive?

HHJOB1: In your household who does the laundry?

HHJOB2: In your household who makes small repairs around the house?

HHJOB3: In your household who looks after sick family members?

HHJOB4: In your household who shops for groceries?

BOTHWORK: Do you and your partner both have paid work at the moment?

EARNMOST: Do you or your partner earn more money?

RMARWRK1: Did you work outside the home after marrying/living as married and before you had children?

RMARWRK2: Did you work outside the home when a child ws under school age?

RMARWRK3: Did you work outside the home after the youngest child started school?

RMARWRK4: Did you work outside the home after the children left home?

SMARWRK1: Did your spouse/partner work outside the home after marrying/living as married and before you had children?

SMARWRK2: Did your spouse/partner work outside the home when a child was under school age?

SMARWRK3: Did your spouse/partner work outside the home after the youngest child started school?

SMARWRK4: Did your spouse/partner work outside the home after the children left home?

CHLDARR: Should mothers of young children expect employers to make special arrangements to help them combine jobs and childcare?

CHLDGOV: Should the government provide money for childcare, so that mothers of young children can work if they want to?

CHDCARE1: Suitable for 3 year old child of working parents: a state or local authority nursery.

CHDCARE2: Suitable for 3 year old child of working parents: a private creche or nursery.

CHDCARE3: Suitable for 3 year old child of working parents: child-minder or babysitter.

CHDCARE5: Suitable for 3 year old child of working parents: a relative.

CHDCARE6: Suitable for 3 year old child of working parents: workplace nursery or creche.

HHJOB5: In your household who does decides what to have for dinner?

FEMJOBOP: Are job opportunities for women better or worse than for men?

FEMEDOP: Are university education for women better or worse than for men?

FEMINC: Are income and wages better for women than men?

FEMPROM: Are promotion opportunities better for women than men?

WWHAPPIR: Will a woman and her family all be happier if she goes out to work?

WOMWKKID: Should women try to combine a career and children?

FEMHOME: Should married women stay at home in times of high unemployment?

WOMWKGD: Is it good for women to work if the children are well looked after?

MWEXTRAS: Do most married women work only to earn money for extras?

WOMSUFFR: If a woman takes several years off to look after her children, is it only fair her career should suffer?

WOMRIGHT: Do married women have a right to work if they want to, whaterver their family situation?

JOBMF1: Job suitable for men and women: social worker.

JOBMF2: Job suitable for men and women: police officer.

JOBMF3: Job suitable for men and women: secretary.

JOBMF4: Job suitable for men and women: car mechanic.

JOBMF5: Job suitable for men and women: nurse.

JOBMF9: Job suitable for men and women: family doctor/GP.

JOBMF11: Job suitable for men and women: MP.

JOBMF12: Job suitable for men and women: director of an international company.

JOBMF13: Job suitable for men and women: airline pilot.

JOBMF14: Job suitable for men and women: local councillor.

JOBMF8: Job suitable for men and women: bank manager.

WWCHLD1: Should women work after marrying and before there are children?

WWCHLD2: Should women work when there is a child under school age?

WWCHLD3: Should women work after the youngest child starts school?

WWCHLD4: Should women work after the children leave home?

MARVIEW1: Are married people generally happier than unmarried people?

MARVIEW3: Is financial security the main advantage of marriage ?

MARVIEW4: Is the main purpose of marriage to have children?

MARVIEW5: Is it better to have a bad marriage than no marriage at all?

MARVIEW6: Should people who want children get married?

MARVIE10: Can one parent bring up a child as well as two parents together?

MARVIE11: Is it all right for a couple to live together without getting married?

MARVIE12: Is it a good idea for couples intending to get married to live together first?

MARVIE13: Is divorce the best solution when a couple can't work out their marriage problems?

CHDVIEW2: Is watching children grow up life's greatest joy?

CHDVIEW3: Does having children interfere too much with the freedom of parents?

CHDVIEW6: Do people who have never had children lead empty lives?

CHDVIEW7: Should parents stay together even if they don't get along?

CHDVIEW8: Should a married couple with no children stay together even if they don't get along?

PREPCHLD: Is it more important for a child to be obedient or to think for themselves?

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