WPUNIONW: Do unions at your workplace do their job well?
EWRKARRA: Is part-time working available at your workplace?
EWRKARRB: Are flexible hours available at your workplace?
EWRKARRC: Are job-sharing schemes available at your workplace?
EWRKARRD: Is working from home available at your workplace?
EWRKARRE: Are term-time contracts available at your workplace?
WERKARRF: Is nurseries provided by your employer available at your workplace?
EWRKARRG: Is child care during school holidays available at your workplace?
EWRKARRH: Is child care allowances available at your workplace?
EWRKARRI: Are career breaks for mothers available at your workplace?
EWRKARRJ: Is paternity leave available at your workplace?
EWRKARRL: Is time off to care for sick children available at your workplace?
EMSMEWRK: Are there any women doing the same sort of work as you? (male employees)
EMSEXWRK: Is your work men's or women's work? (male employees)
EMWOMCLD: Could women do the same sort of work as you? (male employees)
EMWOMWLD: Would women be willing to do the same sort of work as you? (male employees)
EWSMEWRK: Are there any men doing the same sort of work as you? (female employees)
EWSEXWRK: Is your work men's or women's work? (female employees)
EWMENCLD: Could men do the same sort of work as you? (female employees)
EWMENWLD: Would men be willing to do the same sort of work as you? (female employees)
SEMPEARN: Is your job just a means of earning a living? (self-employed)
SEMPLIV: Why is your job just a means of earning a living? (self-employed)
SPREFJOB: Would you prefer a paid job, even if you had a reasonable income without working? (self-employed)
SWKHRD: Do you work hard in your job? (self-employed)
RPENSION: Is the state pension on the low side, reasonable, or on the high side?
RPENINYR: In a year's time, will your state pension purchase more or less than it does now?
RECONACT: What were you doing last week?
WAGENOW: Are your wages on the low side?
PAYGAP: Is the gap between the highest and lowest paid people at your workplace too big?
WAGEXPCT: Do you expect your wages to rise in the coming year?
LEAVEJOB: Do you expect to leave this employer in the next year?
WPUNIONS: Are there unions at your place of work?
TUSHOULD: What is the most important thing for unions to do?
INDREL: How is the relationship between management and employees at your workplace?
WORKRUN: Is your workplace well managed?
EMPEARN: Is your job just a means of earning a living? (employee)
EMPLIV: Why is your job just a means of earning a living? (employee)
EPREFJOB: Would you prefer a paid job, even if you had a reasonable income without working? (employee)
EWKHRD: Do you work hard in your job? (employee)