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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1994

Variable Listing for Module: Countryside_and_Environment

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


POWER1: Solution to UK's electricity needs.

POWER2: Would existing power stations produce enough electricty?

NUCPOWER: Feelings about nuclear power stations.

PPLENVIR: Should ordinary people do more to protect the environment?

TOWNTRAN: Should the government improve roads or public transport in towns and cities?

CTRYTRAN: Should the government improve roads or public transport in country areas?

HOUSBUIL: Should new housing be built in cities, towns and villages rather than in the countryside?

KEEPBELT: Is it more important to keep green-belt areas than to build new homes there?

PLANLAWS: Should planning laws be relaxed so that people who want to live in the countryside may do so?

FARMRSAY: Do farmers have too much say compared with other users of the countryside?

LESSVIST: Does the beauty of the countryside depend on stopping too many people from visiting it?

CNTRPED: Should people worry less about protecting the countryside, and more about those who have to make their living there?

CBTROIO: Are some parts of the countryside so popular that it’s not a pleasure to visit them?

COUNTRY1: Have modern methods of farming caused damage to the countryside?

COUNTRY2: Should farmers produce more food rather than looking after the countryside?

COUNTRY3: Do farmers do a good job in looking after the countryside?

COUNTRY4: Should government withhold some subsidies from farmers and use them to protect the countryside?

FARMERS: Are farmers the best people to lool after the countryside?

MEMBENV: Are you a member of any group whose main aim is to preserve or protect the environment?

PETITENV: In the last five years have you signed a petition about an environmental issue?

MONEYENV: In the last five years have you given money to an environmental group?

DEMOENV: In the last five years have you taken part in a protest or demonstration about an environmental issue?

CTRYJOBS: Should the countryside be protected from development?

INDENVIR: Should industry do more to protect the environment?

CARALLOW: Should people be allowed to use their cars as much as they like?

DAMAGE: Should industry be prevented from causing damage to the countryside, even if it means higher prices?

GOVENVIR: Should the government do more to protect the environment, even if it leads to higher taxes?

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