CTHREAT1: What do you think is the greatest threat to the countryside?
CTHREAT2: Which is the next greatest threat to the countryside?
CONDEVT: Would you be concerned if a housing development was planned in a part of the countryside you liked?
DEVTDO1: Housing development in countryside: would take no action.
DEVTDO2: Housing development in countryside: would contact an MP or councillor.
DEVTDO3: Housing development in countryside: would contact a government or planning department.
DEVTDO5: Housing development in countryside: would sign a petition.
DEVTDO6: Housing development in countryside: would join a conservation group.
DEVTDO7: Housing development in countryside: would give money to a campgain.
DEVTDO8: Housing development in countryside: would volunteer to work for a campaign.
DEVTDO9: Housing development in countryside: would go on a protest march.
CONFLWR: Would you be concerned if a wildflower site was going to be ploughed for farmland?
FLWRDO1: Wildflowers ploughed for farmland: would take no action.
FLWRDO2: Wildflowers ploughed for farmland: would contact an MP or councillor.
FLWRDO3: Wildflowers ploughed for farmland: would contact a government or planning department.
FLWRDO4: Wildflowers ploughed for farmland: would contact media.
FLWRDO5: Wildflowers ploughed for farmland: would sign a petition.
FLWRDO6: Wildflowers ploughed for farmland: would join a conservation group.
FLWRDO7: Wildflowers ploughed for farmland: would give money to a campgain.
FLWRDO8: Wildflowers ploughed for farmland: would volunteer to work for a campaign.
FLWRDO9: Wildflowers ploughed for farmland: would go on a protest march or demonstration.
CTRYDONE: Have you ever done any of these things to help protect the countryside?
CTRYDON1: To help protect countryside: contacted an MP or councillor.
CTRYDON2: To help protect countryside: contacted a government or planning department.
CTRYDON3: To help protect countryside: contacted media.
CTRYDON4: To help protect countryside: signed a petition.
CTRYDON5: To help protect countryside: joined a conservation group.
CTRYDON6: To help protect countryside: given money to a campgain.
CTRYDON7: To help protect countryside: volunteered to work for a campaign.
CTRYDON8: To help protect countryside: gone on a protest march.
DEVTDO4: Housing development in countryside: would contact media.
CROWDED1: To limit visitors to a beauty spot, would you reduce nearby car parks?
CROWDED2: To limit visitors to a beauty spot, would you stop visitors at particular times?
CROWDED3: To limit visitors to a beauty spot, would you make visitors pay?
CROWDED4: To limit visitors to a beauty spot, would you issue free permits in advance?
CROWDED5: To limit visitors to a beauty spot, would you reduce advertising?
CROWDED6: To limit visitors to a beauty spot, would you advertise other popular places?