NISPEND: Should the government should spend more on trying to improve community relations?
JOBRLGCH: Have Protestants and Catholics the same chance of getting a job?
CHRLGRSP: Should the government teach Catholic and Protestant children more respect for each other?
INTEGHSE: Should the government do more to create integrated housing?
BTRCOMRL: Should the government do more to create better community relations generally?
INTEGWRK: Should the government do more to create integrated workplaces?
GOVINTNI: Do you trust the British government to act in the best interests of Northern Ireland?
STRINTNI: Do you trust a Stormont government to act in the best interests of Northern Ireland?
PREJRC: Is there a lot of prejudice against Catholics?
PREJPROT: Is there a lot of prejudice against Protestants?
SRRLPREJ: Would you describe yourself as prejudiced against people of other religions?
PROTRCMX: Will better relations between Protestants and Catholics come through mixing?
MIXDPRIM: Are you in favour of more mixing in primary schools?
MIXDGRAM: Are you in favour of more mixing in secondary and grammar schools?
MIXDLIV: Are you in favour of more mixing where people live?
MIXDWORK: Are you in favour of more mixing where people work?
MIXDLEIS: Are you in favour of more mixing in people's leisure or sports activities?
RLRELAGO: Are relations between Protestants and Catholics better now than 5 years ago?
RLRELFUT: Will relations between Protestants and Catholics be better in 5 years time?
RELGALWY: Will religion always make a difference to the way people feel about each other?
NINATID: Do you think of yourself as British/Irish/Ulster/Northern Irish?
MIXDMARR: Are you in favour of more mixing in people's marriages?
NHSRLGPJ: How does the NHS treat Catholic and Protestant patients?
NIHRLGPJ: How does the NI Housing Executive treat Catholics and Protestants?
DCRLGPJ: How does your local council treat Catholics and Protestants applying for jobs?
STRRLGPJ: How does central government in Stormont treat Catholics and Protestants applying for jobs?
GSURLGPJ: How do government programmes for unemployed treat Catholics and Protestants applying for places?
FECRLGPJ: How does the Fair Employment Commission treat Catholics and Protestants?
JOBRLGSH: Should Protestants and Catholics have the same chance of getting a job?
PROTJOB: Are many employers more likely to give jobs to Protestants?
YPROTJOB: Do many employers employ Protestants because of better qualifications or discrimination?
RCJOB: Are many employers more likely to give jobs to Catholics?
YRCJOB: Do many employers employ Catholics because of better qualifications or discrimination?
GOVMXSCH: Should the government encourage mixed schooling?
GBIMPNI: How active should the British government be in trying to improve community relations?
IRIMPNI: How active should the government of the Irish Republic be in trying to improve community relations?
UIMPNI: How active should unionist politicians be in trying to improve community relations?
NATIMPNI: How active should nationalist politicians be in trying to improve community relations?
BRTIRSDE: In an argument between Britain and the Republic of Ireland, whose side are you on?
FELSUPP: Do you support having Fair Employment Laws?
FELEMP: Do you support the law requiring employers to keep records of employees' religion?
FELEQUA: Does the Fair Employment Law treat Protestants and Catholics equally?
JBAPPLRL: How much would it matter how many people there were of your own religion at the workplace?
AVOIDP: If you were applying for a job, would you avoid workplaces in a mainly Protestant area?
AVOIDRC: If you were applying for a job, would you avoid workplaces in a mainly Catholic area?
JOBREFUS: Have you been refused a job because of your religion?
JBUNFAIR: Have you been treated unfairly in your job because of your religion?
THREATRL: Have you been treated unfairly by your colleagues because of your religion?
FAIRREP: Should a firm should give preferential treatment to people from an under-represented religion when filling posts?