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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1994

Variable Listing for Module: Community_Relations

Click on variable you are interested in from the listing below to view the tables for that variable. Use the links at the top and bottom of each page to navigate through the surveys.


NISPEND: Should the government should spend more on trying to improve community relations?

JOBRLGCH: Have Protestants and Catholics the same chance of getting a job?

CHRLGRSP: Should the government teach Catholic and Protestant children more respect for each other?

INTEGHSE: Should the government do more to create integrated housing?

BTRCOMRL: Should the government do more to create better community relations generally?

INTEGWRK: Should the government do more to create integrated workplaces?

GOVINTNI: Do you trust the British government to act in the best interests of Northern Ireland?

STRINTNI: Do you trust a Stormont government to act in the best interests of Northern Ireland?

PREJRC: Is there a lot of prejudice against Catholics?

PREJPROT: Is there a lot of prejudice against Protestants?

SRRLPREJ: Would you describe yourself as prejudiced against people of other religions?

PROTRCMX: Will better relations between Protestants and Catholics come through mixing?

MIXDPRIM: Are you in favour of more mixing in primary schools?

MIXDGRAM: Are you in favour of more mixing in secondary and grammar schools?

MIXDLIV: Are you in favour of more mixing where people live?

MIXDWORK: Are you in favour of more mixing where people work?

MIXDLEIS: Are you in favour of more mixing in people's leisure or sports activities?

RLRELAGO: Are relations between Protestants and Catholics better now than 5 years ago?

RLRELFUT: Will relations between Protestants and Catholics be better in 5 years time?

RELGALWY: Will religion always make a difference to the way people feel about each other?

NINATID: Do you think of yourself as British/Irish/Ulster/Northern Irish?

MIXDMARR: Are you in favour of more mixing in people's marriages?

NHSRLGPJ: How does the NHS treat Catholic and Protestant patients?

NIHRLGPJ: How does the NI Housing Executive treat Catholics and Protestants?

DCRLGPJ: How does your local council treat Catholics and Protestants applying for jobs?

STRRLGPJ: How does central government in Stormont treat Catholics and Protestants applying for jobs?

GSURLGPJ: How do government programmes for unemployed treat Catholics and Protestants applying for places?

FECRLGPJ: How does the Fair Employment Commission treat Catholics and Protestants?

JOBRLGSH: Should Protestants and Catholics have the same chance of getting a job?

PROTJOB: Are many employers more likely to give jobs to Protestants?

YPROTJOB: Do many employers employ Protestants because of better qualifications or discrimination?

RCJOB: Are many employers more likely to give jobs to Catholics?

YRCJOB: Do many employers employ Catholics because of better qualifications or discrimination?

GOVMXSCH: Should the government encourage mixed schooling?

GBIMPNI: How active should the British government be in trying to improve community relations?

IRIMPNI: How active should the government of the Irish Republic be in trying to improve community relations?

UIMPNI: How active should unionist politicians be in trying to improve community relations?

NATIMPNI: How active should nationalist politicians be in trying to improve community relations?

BRTIRSDE: In an argument between Britain and the Republic of Ireland, whose side are you on?

FELSUPP: Do you support having Fair Employment Laws?

FELEMP: Do you support the law requiring employers to keep records of employees' religion?

FELEQUA: Does the Fair Employment Law treat Protestants and Catholics equally?

JBAPPLRL: How much would it matter how many people there were of your own religion at the workplace?

AVOIDP: If you were applying for a job, would you avoid workplaces in a mainly Protestant area?

AVOIDRC: If you were applying for a job, would you avoid workplaces in a mainly Catholic area?

JOBREFUS: Have you been refused a job because of your religion?

JBUNFAIR: Have you been treated unfairly in your job because of your religion?

THREATRL: Have you been treated unfairly by your colleagues because of your religion?

FAIRREP: Should a firm should give preferential treatment to people from an under-represented religion when filling posts?

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