SCOPPORT: To what extent do you think a person's social class affects his or her opportunities?
SCIMPAGO: Is social class is more or less important than 10 years ago?
SCIMPFUT: Will social class is more or less important in 10 years' time?
SRSOCCL: Which social class you would say you belong to?
PRSOCCL: Which social class did your parents belong to when you started primary school?
PREJCHN: Is there prejudice against Chinese people in N Ireland?
PREJAS: Is there prejudice against Asian people in N Ireland?
PRJTRAV: Is there prejudice against Travellers people in N Ireland?
PREJNOW: Is there more or less racial prejudice in N Ireland now than there was 5 years ago,?
PREJFUT: Will there be more or less racial prejudice in N Ireland in 5 years time?
SRPREJ: Are you prejudiced against people of other races?
CHNJOB: Are people of Chinese origin in N Ireland not given jobs because of their race?
ASJOB: Are people of Asian origin in N Ireland not given jobs because of their race?
RACLAWNI: Do you support a law against racial discrimination?
RACEVLLW: Should there be a special law against racial violence or not?
OBOSSCH: Would most white people in N Ireland mind if a suitably qualified person of Chinese origin were appointed as their boss?
SBOSSCH: Would you mind if a suitably qualified person of Chinese origin were appointed as your boss?
OMARCH: Would most white people in N Ireland mind if a close relative were to marry a person of Chinese origin?
SMARCH: Would you mind if a close relative were to marry a person of Chinese origin?
OBOSSAS: Would most white people in N Ireland mind if a suitably qualified person of Asian origin were appointed as their boss?
SBOSSAS: Would you mind if a suitably qualified person of Asian origin were appointed as your boss?
OMARAS: Would most white people in N Ireland mind if a close relative were to marry a person of Asian origin?
SMARAS: Would you mind if a close relative were to marry a person of Asian origin?