Monday March 17, 2025

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  Northern Ireland Social Attitudes Survey - 1994

Year: 1994

Module: Civil_Liberties
Variable: VCROADS

Some people say that there ought to be video cameras in public places to detect criminals. Others say this cuts down on everyone's privacy. Do you think video cameras should or should not be allowed in the following places?
On roads to detect speeding drivers.

Index to tables on this page

  1. % of men and women
  2. % of people of different ages
  3. % of people of different religions.

Overall Results %
Definitely be allowed65
Probably be allowed23
Probably not be allowed6
Definitely not be allowed5
It depends/DK0
Not answered0

Results for men and women
Definitely be allowed 63 68
Probably be allowed 24 22
Probably not be allowed 6 6
Definitely not be allowed 6 4
It depends/dk 0 1
Not answered 1 0

Table Index

Results for people of different ages
Definitely be allowed 55 64 61 63 65 81
Probably be allowed 28 26 25 26 22 13
Probably not be allowed 10 5 7 7 5 2
Definitely not be allowed 5 4 7 4 8 2
It depends/dk 0 1 0 0 0 1
Not answered 2 0 0 0 0 0

Table Index

Results for people of different religions
 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Definitely be allowed 58 68 75
Probably be allowed 29 21 16
Probably not be allowed 6 7 0
Definitely not be allowed 5 4 7
It depends/dk 1 0 1
Not answered 1 0 0

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