PAPRDEF: Should a newspaper be allowed to publish confidential government defence plans?
LEAKDEF: Should a newspaper keep secret the source of a leak of confidential defence plans?
PAPRECON: Should a newspaper be allowed to publish confidential government economic plans?
LEAKECON: Should a newspaper keep secret the source of a leak of confidential economic plans?
VCROADS: Should video cameras be allowed on roads to detect speeding drivers?
VCFOOTBL: Should video cameras be allowed at football grounds to detect troublemakers?
VCVANDAL: Should video cameras be allowed on housing estates to detect vandals?
RACEGLTY: Do white and black people have different chances of being found guilty?
RICHGLTY: Do rich and poor people have different chances of being found guilty?
RELGGLTY: Do Protestants and Catholics have different chances of being found guilty?
CHOPPWOM: Gone too far: equal opportunities to women?
CHOPPMIN: Gone too far: equal opportunities to black people and Asians?
CHNUDSEX: Gone too far: nudity and sex in films and magazines?
CHOPPHOM: Gone too far: equal opportunities to homosexuals?
CHGYPTRV: Gone too far: sites for gypsies and travellers?
CHRGTDEM: Gone too far: rights to go on protest marches?
CHLWSTRK: Gone too far: laws to make it difficult to go on strike?
CHLEGAID: Gone too far: Legal Aid?
SCOBEYLW: Should people should obey the law without exception?
REVTEAS1: Should people who support changing policy by planting bombs be allowed to teach 15 year olds in schools?
REVINTTV: Should people who support changing policy by planting bombs be allowed to give interviews on television to put their case?
REVCAND: Should people who support changing policy by planting bombs be allowed to stand as candidates in elections?
PRJTEASC: Should people who believe that whites are racially superior to all other races be allowed to teach 15 year olds in schools?
PRJINTTV: Should people who believe that whites are racially superior to all other races be allowed to give interviews on television to put their case?
PRJCAND: Should people who believe that whites are racially superior to all other races be allowed to stand as candidates in elections?
JUSTICE: Is it worse to convict an innocent person or let a guilty person go free?
CRIMIN1: Should police be allowed to keep a man with a criminal record under surveillance without a Court Order?
CRIMIN2: Should police be allowed to tap the phone of a man with a criminal record without a Court Order?
CRIMIN3: Should police be allowed to open the mail of a man with a criminal record without a Court Order?
CRIMIN4: Should police be allowed to detain a man with a criminal record overnight without a Court Order?
NONCRIM1: Should police be allowed to keep a man without a criminal record under surveillance without a Court Order?
NONCRIM2: Should police be allowed to tap the phone of a man without a criminal record without a Court Order?
NONCRIM3: Should police be allowed to open the mail of a man without a criminal record without a Court Order?
NONCRIM4: Should police be allowed to detain a man without a criminal record overnight without a Court Order?
VIDEODEM: Should the police have a right to take video of people on demonstrations?
BANBLASF: Should books and films that attack religions be prohibited ?
PRISBKS: Should prisoners be allowed to have as many books as they wish to read?
PRISVIST: Should prisoners be allowed to visit home occasionally?
PRISLONG: Should prisoners be allowed to have their partner occasionally stay overnight with them at the prison?
PRISJOB: Should prisoners be allowed to earn a little money in prison?
CSSILENT: If a cabinet minister gives false information, should civil servants be allowed to reveal the truth?
LAWSAY: Should UK courts have the power to overturn laws made by parliament?
PCGUNS: Should on-duty police officers always carry guns?
LITESENT: Are too many convicted criminals are let off lightly by the courts?
CONFESSN: Should a confession made during police questioning and later withdrawn be enough to convict someone?
BENIDCRD: Should people claiming state benefits have to carry an identity card to help prevent fraud?
MAGISTRT: Once people are made local magistrates do they lose touch with ordinary people pretty quickly?
PCNOSOLC: Should the police be allowed to question suspects for up to a week without letting them see a solicitor?
REFUGEES: Should refugees who are in danger because of their political beliefs always be welcome in the UK?
PCCOMPLN: Should serious complaints against the police be investigated by an independent body?
IDCARDS: Should every adult in the UK have to carry an identity card?
CRIMSLNT: If someone remains silent under police questioning, should it count against them in court?
NINPRISN: Do prisons contain too many people who ought to be given a lighter punishment?
NOWARRNT: Should the police need a warrant to search the homes of suspects?
CAPPUN1: Are you for or against the death penalty for murder in the course of a terrorist act?
CAPPUN2: Are you for or against the death penalty for murder of a police officer?
CAPPUN3: Are you for or against the death penalty for other murders?