CAREHOME: Do you provide care for someone living with you?
NUMHOME: How many people living with you do you provide care for?
CARESEP: Do you provide care for someone not living with you?
NUMSEP: How many people not living with you do you provide care for?
MAINCARE: Who do you mainly care for?
DEPREL: Do people who need care get most of their help from relatives?
FORGRANT: Are carers taken for granted by the authorities?
CARDUTY: Is looking after family members a duty and carers should not be paid by the authorities?
RELWILL: Are relatives less willing than they used to be to look after family members?
CRBENEF: Should all carers be entitled to a state benefit which recognises their work?
GOVCARE: Does government provide most of the help for people needing care?
WOMCARE: Should women be prepared to give up their jobs to care for someone?
MENCARE: Should men be prepared to give up their jobs to care for someone?
ELDCARE: Who should provide the bulk of the care for elderly people?
OWNPROV: Is it everyone's responsibility to make their own provision so they can pay for care when they are old?
NOTPAY: Should people who have paid tax all their lives be expected to pay for care when they are old?
MKRELCAR: Should relatives be made to care for close family members who need help?
ELDSELL: Should elderly people sell their own home to meet the cost of living in an old person's home?
HELPTIM: How long do you spend looking after the person you mainly care for?
HELPDAY: How many days per week do you usually help the person you mainly care for?
HELPMON: How long have you been caring for the person you mainly care for?