FAMRELIG: In what religion were you brought up?
OWNSHARE: Do you or our partner own any shared?
HEDQUAL: Highest educational qualification
EVRLIBGB: Have you ever lived in mainland Britain for more than a year?
EVRLIVER: Did you live in the Republic of Ireland?
TEA: Age completed your continuous full-time education.
RAGECAT: Age of respondent (in 6 age bands).
RSEX: Sex of respondent
RMARSTAT: Marital status of respondent.
RELIGION: Religion of respondent
CHATTEND: How often do you attend church services/meetings?
RELIGSAM: Is your spouse/partner the same religion as you?
SLFMXSCH: Did you attend a mixed or integrated school in Northern Ireland?
CAROWN: Do you have regular use of a car or van?
CHDMXSCH: Has any child in your care attended a mixed/integrated school in Northern Ireland?
DUTYRESP: Who is mainly responsible for general domestic duties in this household?
DUTYWIFE: Who is mainly responsible for domestic duties: wife/female partner of respondent.
DUTYMUM: Who is mainly responsible for domestic duties: mother/mother-in-law of respondent
DUTYHUSB: Who is mainly responsible for domestic duties: husband/male partner of respondent.
DUTYFEM: Who is mainly responsible for domestic duties: other female in household
DUTYMALE: Who is mainly responsible for domestic duties: other male in household
DUTYOTHR: Who is mainly responsible for domestic duties: other answer
CHLDRESP: Who is mainly responsible for the general care of the child(ren) here?
CHLDWIFE: Who is mainly responsible for childcare: wife/female partner of respondent.
CHLDMUM: Who is mainly responsible for childcare: mother/mother-in-law of respondent
CHLDHUSB: Who is mainly responsible for childcare: husband/male partner of respondent.
CHLDFEM: Who is mainly responsible for childcare: other female in household
CHLDMALE: Who is mainly responsible for childcare: other male in household
CHLDOTHR: Who is mainly responsible for childcare: other answer
DISAB: Do you have any long-standing health problems or disabilities which limit what you can do?