RAGE: What was your age last birthday?
RSEX: Are you a female or a male?
BROTHERS: Do you have any brothers?
SISTERS: Do you have any sisters?
OLDEST: Position in family
Q7MOTHER: Do you live mostly
with your mother?
Q7FATHER: Do you live mostly
with your father?
Q7STEPM: Do you live mostly with
your stepmother?
Q7STEPF: Do you live mostly with
your stepfather?
Q7SIST: Do you live mostly with
your sister(s)?
Q7BROTH: Do you live mostly with
your brother(a)?
Q7RESID: Do you live mostly with
residential social workers at a children's home?
Q7BOARD: Do you live mostly at
a boarding schoo?
Q7UNIVER: Do you live mostly
at university/college?
Q7SPOUSE: Do you live mostly
with your husband/wife?
Q7COHAB: Do you live mostly with
a partner of opposite sex?
Q7GAYPAR: Do you live mostly
with a partner of same sex?
Q7SINGLE: Do you live mostly
on your own?
Q7FRIEND: Do you live mostly
with friends?
Q7HOMELE: Are you homeless at
the moment?
Q7OTHER: Do you live mostly with
someone else?
STRICTM: Was your mother strict
when you wanted to go out?
STRICTF: Was your father strict
when you wanted to go out?
Q9MOTHER: How close were you
to your mother in the past?
Q9FATHER: How close were you
to your father in the past?
How close are you to your sister(s) now?
Q10BROTH: How close are you to
your brother(s) now?
How close are you to your partnerer now?
How important are religion or religious beliefs to you?
RELIGCAT: Do you regard yourself
as belonging to any of the following religions?
HIGHEDUC: Have you passed any
exams or got any of the following qualifications?
JOBGROUP: Which of these descriptions
applies to what you currently do?
AFTEREDU: What do you think you'll
be doing when you finish school?
SSEXSCHL: Was the school you
attended/attend a single sex school?
SSEXPRIM: Was the last primary
school you attended a single sex school?
TYPESCHL: Type of school last
TYPEPS: Type of primary school
SEXED1: Did you have classes on
personal relationships?
SEXED2: Did you have classes on
sexual development?
SEXED3: Did you have classes on
SEXED4: Did you have classes on
wet dreams?
SEXED5: Did you have classes on
homosexuality and bisexuality?
SEXED6: Did you have classes on
sexual intercourse?
SEXED7: Did you have classes on
SEXED8: Did you have classes on
safer sex techniques?
SEXED9: Did you have classes on
SEXED10: Did you have classes
on contraception?
SEXED11: Did you have classes
on pregnancy?
SEXED12: Did you have classes
on abortion.
SEXED13: Did you have classes
on marriage.
SEXED14: Did you have classes
SEXED15: Did you have classes
on other STIs?
STIAIDS: STIs heard of: AIDS.
STIHEPB: STIs heard of: Hepatitis
STISYPH: STIs heard of: Syphilis.
STISKIN: STIs heard of: Skin diseases.
STICRAB: STIs heard of: Crabs.
STIGON: STIs heard of: Gonorrhoea.
STICLAM: STIs heard of:Clamydia.
STIWART: STIs heard of: Genital
STINSU: STIs heard of: NSU.
TALKMOTH: How easy or difficult
is it for you to talk to your mother?
TALKFATH: How easy or difficult
is it for you to talk to your father?
TALKSM: How easy or difficult is
it for you to talk to your step mother?
TALKSF: How easy or difficult is
it for you to talk to your stepfather?
TALKBRO: How easy or difficult
is it for you to talk to your brother?
TALKSIST: How easy or difficult
is it for you to talk to your sister?
TALKFRIE: How easy or difficult
is it for you to talk to close friends?
TALKPART: How easy or difficult
is it for you to talk to the partner you live with?
TALKTEAC: How easy or difficult
is it for you to talk to a teacher?
TALKSOCW: How easy or difficult
is it for you to talk to a social worker?
TALKCLER: How easy or difficult
is it for you to talk to a priest or minister?
TALKOTHE: How easy or difficult
is it for you to talk to someone else?
PARENTTV: Do your parents or
the people you live with have at least 1 TV?
PARCAR: Do your parents or the
people you live with have at least 1 car?
PARPC: Do your parents or the people
you live with have at least 1 home computer?
PARNET: Do your parents or the
people you live with have access to the internet?
PARHOLID: Do your parents or
the people you live with usually at least once per year on a holiday?
YOUTV: Do you have at least 1 TV?
YOUCAR: Do you have at least 1
YOUPC: Do you have at least 1 home
YOUNET: Do you have access to the
YOUHOLID: Do you go usually at
least once per year on a holiday?
MONEYCAT: About how much money
would you usually have available each month for going out?