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  Ageism and Ageing,Republic of Ireland - 2003

Year: 2003

Module: Attitudes_to_Older_People
Variable: JOBSEC

Suppose two people who are both equally well qualified apply for a job as a secretary. One is a 52 year old married woman and the other is a married woman of 24. If you were the employer would you want to offer the job to the older woman or to the younger woman?

Index to tables on this page

  1. % of men and women
  2. % of people of different ages

Overall Results %
Would want to offer it to older woman30
Would want to offer it to younger woman24
(It depends)42
Don't know3

Results for men and women
Would want to offer it to older woman 27 33
Would want to offer it to younger woman 26 23
(it depends) 42 41
Other 1 1
Don't know 4 3

Table Index

Results for people of different ages
Would want to offer it to older woman 17 28 36 37 33 28
Would want to offer it to younger woman 36 21 12 24 25 33
(it depends) 43 47 47 36 37 35
Other 0 0 2 1 1 1
Don't know 3 4 3 2 4 4

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