ARK in Schools


In this section of the website you can find lists of publications that are relevant to YLT and to ARK in Schools.

1. ARK Publications

Research Updates

Research Updates are four-page summaries of key findings of research projects undertaken by ARK. They are written in a colloquial style that is easily understood. They can be downloaded or pinted off as pdf files by clicking on the links below. ARK Research Updates can also be ordered as hard copies. They are free of charge. Click here to order your copy. The following YLT Research Updates are available:

  • Dirk Schubotz and Gillian Robinson (2005): Cross-community integration and mixing: does it make a difference? Research Update 43
  • Sarah Hannaford (2005): Drinking, Smoking, Drugs and Sexual Intercourse - Education and Influences for Young People in Northern Ireland. Research Update 37
  • Dirk Schubotz and Paula Devine (2005): What Now? Research Update 34
  • Ed Cairns and Katrina Lloyd (2005): Stress at Sixteen. Research Update 33
  • Deirdre Fullerton (2004): Changing Times - or are they? Research Update 30
  • Paula Devine and Dirk Schubotz (2004): Us and Them? Research Update 28
  • Paula Devine and Dirk Schubotz (2004): School's Out? Research Update 25

You can find a list of all available ARK Research Updates here.

Occasional papers

Occasional papers are longer reports based on research undertaken by ARK. Like the Research Updates they are primarily written for non-academic audiences. The follwoing occasional papers focussing on young people are available:

Dirk Schubotz (2005): Young People's Attitudes to Politics and Elections

You can find a list of all available occasional papers here.


2. Journal articles and research reports

Publications in this section discuss issues in more depth. They are primarily written for academics, but also provide excellent background knowledge for teachers who wish to explore certain topics with their students in school.

3. Other publications

A useful source of information about publications on young people is ORB - the ARK Online Research Bank. This is a collection of searchable databases containing bibliographies and summaries of research focused on the lives of adults and children in Northern Ireland. The ORB Social Policy Database which consists of social policy documents based on research carried out in Northern Ireland since 1990, and you can search for publications related to 'young people' or 'children'. The ORB Children’s Research Database which concentrates on research carried out with children and young people in Northern Ireland since 2000.

Maintained by Paula Devine

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Disclaimer: © ARK 2002 Last Updated on Thursday, 27-Apr-2006 17:29