Module: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Issues

This page lists the questions asked within the LGBT module, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year. Publications and further information on LGBT Issues can be found on the LGBT Issues Resources page.


(EQPAST1 to EQPAST11 were asked in the Community Relations module in 2001 and 2003)

EQPAST1: How are Catholics generally treated compared with 5 years ago? 2001 2003 2012 2013

EQPAST2: How are Protestants generally treated compared with 5 years ago? 2001 2003 2012 2013

EQPAST3: How are gays/lesbians/bi-sexuals generally treated compared with 5 years ago? 2001 2003 2012 2013

EQPAST4: How are disabled people generally treated compared with 5 years ago? 2001 2003 2012 2013

EQPAST5: How are elderly people generally treated compared with 5 years ago? 2001 2003 2012 2013

EQPAST6: How are Travellers generally treated compared with 5 years ago? 2001 2003 2012 2013

EQPAST7: How are other ethnic minorities generally treated compared with 5 years ago? 2001 2003 2012 2013

EQPAST8: How are women generally treated compared with 5 years ago? 2001 2003 2012 2013

EQPAST9: How are men generally treated compared with 5 years ago? 2001 2003 2012 2013

EQPAST10: How are children generally treated compared with 5 years ago? 2012 2013

EQPAST11: How are transgender people generally treated compared with 5 years ago? 2012 2013

UPREJGAY: Are you prejudiced against gay men? 2012 2013

UPACTGAY: Can you avoid displaying prejdiced behaviour towards gay men? 2012 2013

UPREJLES: Are you prejudiced against lesbians? 2012 2013

UPACTLES: Can you avoid displaying prejdiced behaviour towards lesbians? 2012 2013

GLCOLL: Comfortable if gay or lesbian: A work colleague 2012 2013

GLMP: Comfortable if gay or lesbian: Your MP 2012 2013

GLBOSS: Comfortable if gay or lesbian: Your boss in a new job 2012 2013

GLFRND: Comfortable if gay or lesbian: A close friend 2012 2013

GLSIB: Comfortable if gay or lesbian: Your brother or sister 2012 2013

GLREL: Comfortable if gay or lesbian: Another relative 2012 2013

GLUMAN: Comfortable if gay or lesbian: Someone that you manage in a new job 2012 2013

GLGP: Comfortable if gay or lesbian: Your GP 2012 2013

GLCHILD: Comfortable if gay or lesbian: Your child 2012 2013

GLTEACH: Comfortable if gay or lesbian: Your child's teacher 2012 2013

GLRELREP: Comfortable if gay or lesbian: Your local religious representative 2012 2013

GEXPRESS: Should gay men be able to express who and what they are as much anyone else? 2012 013

GHAND: Would you find it offensive to see two men holding hands in the street? 2012 2013

LEXPRESS: Should lesbians be able to express who and what they are as much as anyone else? 2012 2013

LHAND: Would you find it offensive to see two women holding hands in the street? 2012 2013

SSEXAD: Should there be more same-sex couples appearing in advertisements? 2012 2013

SSEXSOAP: Should there be more same-sex couples appearing in TV soaps? 2012 2013

GAYPRIDE: Should there be more Gay Pride marches? 2012 2013

SSEXMARR: Do you think marriages between same-sex couples should or should not be recognised by the law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages? 2012 2013 2018

MARVIE24: Should gay or lesbian couples have the right to marry? 2005 (Asked in the Gender and family roles module)

CIVPART: Do you approve of laws that treat same-sex partnerships like marriage? 2008 (Asked in the Religious Observance module)

TEACHEGL: Should schools have to teach about equality for gay men and lesbians with other groups in society? 2012 2013

BARGL: Should clubs and bars be allowed to refuse entry to a couple because they are gay or lesbian? 2012 2013

BARNOTGL: Should gay clubs be allowed to refuse entry to a couple because they are not gay or lesbian? 2012 2013

FAMILY1: Counts as a family: A lesbian couple with a child 2012 2013

FAMILY2: Counts as a family: A gay couple with a child 2012 2013

FAMILY3: Counts as a family: A heterosexual lone mother with a child 2012 2013

FAMILY4: Counts as a family: A lesbian lone mother with a child 2012 2013

FAMILY5: Counts as a family: A heterosexual lone father with a child 2012 2013

FAMILY6: Counts as a family: A gay lone father with a child 2012 2013

FAMILY7: Counts as a family: An unmarried heterosexual couple with a child 2012 2013

FAMILY8: Counts as a family: A married heterosexual couple with a child 2012 2013

GLBORN: Can sexual orientation be changed? 2012 2013

EQGL: Are people who are gay or lesbian treated equally in our society? 2012 2013

SEXBFMAR: Is it wrong to have sexual relations before marriage? 1998 2004 2008 2012 2013 2018 (Asked in the Religious Observance module in 1998, 2004 and 2008)

ADULTERY: Is adultery wrong? 1998 2004 2008 2012 2013 2018 Asked in the Religious Observance module in 1998, 2004 and 2008)

SEXHOMO: Are sexual relations between adults of the same sex wrong? 1998 2004 2008 2012 2013 2018 Asked in the Religious Observance module in 1998, 2004 and 2008)

GLNOT: Do you know anyone who is gay or lesbian? 2012 2013

GLFAM: Is a member of your family gay or lesbian? 2012 2013

GLFRIEND: Is a close friend gay or lesbian? 2012 2013

GLACQNT: Do you have an acquaintance who is gay or lesbian? 2012 2013

GLWORK: Do you know someone at work who is gay or lesbian? 2012 2013

GLELSE: Do you know someone else who is gay or lesbian? 2012 2013

GLDK: Are you not sure if you know anyone who is gay or lesbian? 2012 2013

FNAMEGL: Have any of your friends called someone names to their face because they saw them as gay or lesbian? 2012 2013

UNAMEGL: Have you ever called someone names to their face because you saw them as gay or lesbian? 2012 2013

SSEXADPT: Do you approve of allowing same-sex couples to adopt children? 2008 (Asked in the Religious Observance module)

LADOPT: Do you approve or disapprove of allowing lesbian couples to adopt children? 2012 2013

GADOPT: Do you approve or disapprove of allowing two gay men to adopt children? 2012 2013

LESIVF: Do you think that lesbians hould have access to IVF treatment on equal terms as heterosexual women? 2012 2013

TGNOT: Do you know anyone who is transgender? 2012 2013 2018

TGFAM: Is a member of your family transgender? 2012 2013 2018

TGFRIEND: Is a close friend transgender? 2012 2013 2018

TGACQNT: Do you have an acquaintance who is transgender? 2012 2013 2018

TGWORK: Do you know someone at work who is transgender? 2012 2013 2018

TGELSE: Do you know someone else who is transgender? 2012 2013 2018

TGDK: Are you not sure if you know anyone who is transgender? 2012 2013 2018

PREJTRAN: Are you prejudiced against people who are transgender? 2018

TWOMTOIL: How comfortable would you be for a transgender woman to use female public toilets? 2018

TMANTOIL: How comfortable would you be for a transgender man to use male public toilets? 2018

WOMREFU: How comfortable would you be for a transgender woman to use a refuge for women who have experienced domestic violence? 2018

TBCERTNI: To what extent do you approve of the right of a transgender person to change the sex on their birth certificate after they have lived in their acquired gender for two years? 2018

SEXBCERT: Should it be possible for someone to change the sex recorded on their birth certificate? 2023 (Asked in Political Attitudes section in 2023)

GAYBISEX: Should gay and bisexual people not be discriminated against? 2000 2004 (Asked as part of the Men's Life and Times section)

GAYRIGHT: Should a gay couple have the same rights as a heterosexual married couple? 2000 2004 (Asked as part of the Men's Life and Times section)

Maintained by Paula Devine

Disclaimer:© ARK 2003 Last Updated on Thursday, 02-May-2024 9:27