Module: Healthcare

This page lists the questions asked within the Healthcare module, and for which years. Clicking on the year printed after every question will bring you to the results for that year. Publications and further information on Health Issues and Healthcare can be found on the Health Issues Resources page.


NHSSAT: How satisfied are you with the way the NHS is run? 2006

GPSAT: How satisfied are you with local doctors or GPs? 2006

DENTSAT: How satisfied are you with NHS dentists? 2006

INPATSAT: How satisfied are you with attending hospital as an in-patient? 2006

OUTPASAT: How satisfied are you with attending hospital as an out-patient? 2006

PRIVMED: Are you covered by a private health insurance scheme? 2006 2007

PRIVPAID: Does your/your partner's employer pay for members of a private health scheme? 2006 2007

NHSLIMIT: Should the NHS only be available to people with lower incomes? 2006

GPCHANGE: How difficult would it be to change your GP? 2006

HEALTHYR: Compared to people of your own age, how is your health? 2006 2007 2008

HEALTHY2: How is your health? 2009

DISAB1: Do you have a long-standing illness, disability or infirmity? 2001 2002 2003 2004 2004 2005 2006 2007

LIMDISAB: Does this illness or disability limit your activities? 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

LIMILL: Have you ever had a long-term illness that affected your activities? 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007

HSAREA1: How satisfactory are GPs' appointment systems? 2006

HSAREA2: How satisfactory is the amount of time GP gives to each patient? 2006

HSAREA3: How satisfactory is being able to choose which GP to see? 2006

HSAREA4: How satisfactory is the quality of medical treatment by GPs? 2006

HSAREA5: How satisfactory are hospital waiting lists for non-emergency operations? 2006

HSAREA6: How satisfactory is the waiting time before getting appointments with hospital consultants? 2006

HSAREA7: How satisfactory is the general condition of hospital buildings? 2006

HSAREA8: How satisfactory is the staffing level of nurses in hospitals? 2006

HSAREA9: How satisfactory is the staffing level of doctors in hospitals? 2006

HSAREA10: How satisfactory is the quality of medical treatment in hospitals? 2006

HSAREA11: How satisfactory is the quality of nursing care in hospitals? 2006

HSAREA12: How satisfactory are the waiting areas in accident and emergency departments in hospitals? 2006

HSAREA13: How satisfactory are the waiting areas for out-patients in hospitals? 2006

HSAREA14: How satisfactory are the waiting areas at GP's surgeries? 2006

HSAREA15: How satisfactory is the time spent waiting in out-patient departments? 2006

HSAREA16: How satisfactory is the time spent waiting in accident and emergency departments before being seen by a doctor? 2006

HSAREA17: How satisfactory is the time spent waiting for an ambulance after a 999 call? 2006

HSAREA18: How satisfactory is access to treatment from an NHS dentist? 2006

NHSDOC: In the last two years, have you or a close family member visited an NHS GP? 2006

NHSOUTP: In the last two years, have you or a close family member been an out-patient in an NHS hospital? 2006

NHSHINP: In the last two years, have you or a close family member been an in-patient in an NHS hospital? 2006

NHSVISIT: In the last two years, have you or a close family member visited a patient in an NHS hospital? 2006

PRIVPAT: In the last two years, have you or a close family member had any dental treatmetn as a private patient? 2006

GHQ: General Health Questionnaire (12 item) 2006


Maintained by Paula Devine

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