VICTIM: Do you worry that you or anyone
living with you might be the victim of crime? 1998
VMWORRY: Is this fear of being a victim
of crime a big worry? 1998
SAFEDARK: How safe do you feel walking
alone in this area after dark? 1998
BURGLARY: How common is burglary in
this area? 1998
VANDAL: How common is deliberate damage
by vandals in this area? 1998
MUGGING: How common is mugging in this
area? 1998
AREACRIM: How much crime is there in
your area? 1998
NIARCRIM: How much crime is there in
Northern Ireland compared with Great Britain? 1998
BURGLEDO: What would you do if you
saw a house being burgled? 1998
BURGLECT: If you witnessed a burglary,
would you give evidence in court? 1998
HIJACKDO: What would you do if you
saw a car being hijacked? 1998
HIJACKCT: If you witnessed a hijacking,
would you give evidence in court? 1998
PCSAT: How satisfied are you with the
way the police do their job? 1998
RUCCAR: How effective are the RUC in
dealing with car theft? 1998
RUCBURGL: How effective are the RUC
in dealing with domestic burglaries? 1998
RUCDRUG: How effective are the RUC
in dealing with drug-related crimes? 1998
RUCDOMV: How effective are the RUC
in dealing with domestic violence? 1998
DISBAND: Do you think the RUC should
be disbanded? 1998
NOISYNGH: How common are noisy neighbours
in your area? 1998
GRAFFITI: How common is graffiti in
your area? 1998
TEENONST: How common are teenagers
hanging around on the streets in your area? 1998
DRUNKS: How common are drunks or tramps
on the streets in your area? 1998
RUBBISH: How common is rubbish in your
area? 1998
HMGDNBAD: How common are homes and
gardens in bad condition in your area? 1998
VANDALS: How common is vandalism in
your area? 1998