CC1A: Is John's behaviour towards Angela commonplace within relationships? 2020
CC1B: Would Angela feel frightened of John's behaviour? 2020
CC1C: Is John likely to physically harm Angela in the future? 2020
CC1D: Will John's behaviour impact on Angela's mental health in a negative way? 2020
CC1E: Should Angela tell her friends and family about John's behaviour? 2020
CC1F: Would Angela's friends and family consider John's behaviour towards Angela to be domestic abuse? 2020
CC1G: Should Angela report John to the police? 2020
CC1H: Would the police view John's behaviour as criminal? 2020
CC1I: Is John's behaviour domestic abuse? 2020
CC1J: Should John's behaviour be a crime? 2020
CC2A: Is John's behaviour towards Angela commonplace within relationships? 2020
CC2B: Would Angela feel frightened of John's behaviour? 2020
CC2C: Is John likely to physically harm Angela in the future? 2020
CC2D: Will John's behaviour impact on Angela's mental health in a negative way? 2020
CC2E: Should Angela tell her friends and family about John's behaviour? 2020
CC2F: Would Angela's friends and family consider John's behaviour towards Angela to be domestic abuse? 2020
CC2G: Should Angela report John to the police? 2020
CC2H: Would the police view John's behaviour as criminal? 2020
CC2I: Is John's behaviour domestic abuse? 2020
CC2J: Should John's behaviour be a crime?2020
CC3A: Is Angela's behaviour towards John commonplace within relationships?2020
CC3B: Would John feel frightened of Angela's behaviour? 2020
CC3C: Is Angela likely to physically harm John in the future? 2020
CC3D: Will Angela's behaviour impact on John's mental health in a negative way? 2020
CC3E: Should John tell his friends and family about Angela's behaviour? 2020
CC3F: Would John's friends and family consider Angela's behaviour towards John to be domestic abuse? 2020
CC3G: Should John report Angela to the police? 2020
CC3H: Would the police viewAngela's behaviour as criminal? 2020
CC3I: Is Angela's behaviour domestic abuse? 2020
CC3J: Should Angela's behaviour be a crime? 2020
CC4A: Is Jane's behaviour towards Rob commonplace within relationships? 2020
CC4B: Would Rob feel frightened of Jane's behaviour? 2020
CC4C: Is Jane likely to physically harm Rob in the future? 2020
CC4D: Will Jane's behaviour impact on Rob's mental health in a negative way? 2020
CC4E: Should Rob tell his friends and family about Jane's behaviour? 2020
CC4F: Would Rob's friends and family consider Jane's behaviour towards Rob to be domestic abuse? 2020
CC4G: Should Rob report Jane to the police? 2020
CC4H: Would the police view Jane's behaviour as criminal? 2020
CC4I: Is Jane's behaviour domestic abuse? 2020
CC4J: Should Jane's behaviour be a crime? 2020
HEARDCC: Have you heard of the term coercive control? 2020