Year: 2023
Module: Road Safety

Currently, money generated from safety camera detections is reinvested in the road safety partnership. How else do you think that funds raised via this scheme should be spent?

This table combines the responses to the variables SPCAMMON1, SPCAMMON5, SPCAMMON2, SPCAMMON3, aand SPCAMMON4.
Respondents could identify more than one response.

Additional cameras and equipment 18
Invest in new technologies to detect speeing/seatbelt/mobile phone offences 38
Road Safety training 30
Training young people in general safety issues, including road safety 50
Other 6


Go to results for men and women, people of different religions, and people of different ages.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women

Additional cameras and equipment 21 17
Invest in new technologies to detect speeing/seatbelt/mobile phone offences 36 40
Road Safety training 33 280
Training young people in general safety issues, including road safety 54 46
Other 8 4



Results for people of different ages

Additional cameras and equipment 18 25 21 19 12 15
Invest in new technologies to detect speeing/seatbelt/mobile phone offences 37 40 39 39 31 41
Road Safety training 32 31 28 31 29 32
Training young people in general safety issues, including road safety 35 48 47 67 53 45
Other 4 8 7 6 8 5



Results for people of different religions

 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Additional cameras and equipment 17 18 22
Invest in new technologies to detect speeing/seatbelt/mobile phone offences 34 41 40
Road Safety training 28 32 31
Training young people in general safety issues, including road safety 53 47 52
Other 5 6 8



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