Friday March 14, 2025

Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2019

Module: Road Safety

This page lists the questions asked within the Road Safety module in 2019. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Road Safety can be found on the Road Safety Resources page.

DRIVE: Do you yourself drive a car at all these days?

SPCAMA: Are fewer collisions likely to happen on roads where safety cameras are installed?

SPCAMB: Do cameras mean that dangerous drivers are now more likely to get caught?

SPCAMC: Are cameras meant to encourage drivers to keep to the speed limits, not to punish them?

SPCAMD: Are cameras an easy way of making money out of the motorist?

SPCAME: Is the primary aim of safety cameras to save lives?

SPCAMF: Should the use of safety cameras be supported as a method of reducing casualties?

SPCAMG: Are there too many safety cameras in your local area?

SPENF: Which method of speed enforcement is most effective in saving lives?

SPCAMMON: How should money generated from safety camera detections be spent? (Derived from SPCAMMON1 to SPCAMMON4)

DRVBEH: How is your driving behaviour affected by safety cameras?

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