KNOWCJS: How much do you know about the work of the Northern Ireland criminal justice system in general?
HEARDPPS: Had you heard of the Public Prosecution Service for Northern Ireland, ‘the PPS '?
PPSEFF: How confident are you that the Public Prosecution Service is effective at prosecuting people accused of committing a crime?
PPSFAIR: How confident are you that the Public Prosecution Service provides a fair and impartial prosecution service?
PPSINDP: How confident are you that the Public Prosecution Service takes its prosecution decisions independently?
HEARDPO: Have you heard of the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland?
POPOLICE: Do you think the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland is part of the police or independent of the police?
POIMPART: How confident are you that the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland deals with complaints against the police in an impartial way?
POFAIR: If you were to make a complaint against a police officer to the Police Ombudsman, do you think that you would be treated fairly?
POGOODJB: Do you think that the Police Ombudsman for Northern Ireland will help ensure that the police do a good job?