RLRELAGO: Are relations between Protestants and Catholics better now than 5 years ago?
RLRELFUT: Will relations between Protestants and Catholics be better in 5 years time?
MXRLGNGH: Would you prefer to live in a neighbourhood with people of only your own religion?
MXRLGWRK: Would you prefer a workplace with people of only your own religion?
OWNMXSCH: Would you prefer a school with children of only your own religion?
OMARRRLG: Would most people mind if a close relative were to marry someone of a different religion?
SMARRRLG: Would you mind if a close relative were to marry someone of a different religion?
REPMURAL: Have you felt intimidated by republican murals, kerb paintings, or flags?
REPMUR2: Have you felt annoyed by republican murals, kerb paintings, or flags?
LOYMURAL: Have you felt intimidated by loyalist murals, kerb paintings, or flags?
LOYMUR2: Have you felt annoyed by loyalist murals, kerb paintings, or flags?
SUPPFLAG: Do you support flag flying on lampposts throughout Northern Ireland?
FLAGDOWN: Would you like flags taken down straightaway?
FLAGPUBL: Which of these statements about flags on public buildings in Northern Ireland comes closest to your own view?
WORKCULT2: Is your workplace a place where you can be open about your cultural identity?
NGHCULT2: Is your neighbourhood a place where you can be open about your cultural identity?
SCHLCULT2: Are all your children's schools places where they can be open about their own cultural identity?
NINATID: Do you think of yourself as British/Irish/Ulster/Northern Irish?
UBELNGH: Do you feel a sense of belonging to this neighbourhood?
INFLLOCL: Do you feel that you have any influence when it comes to any of the local decisions made around here?
UBELNI: Do you feel a sense of belonging to Northern Ireland as a whole?
INFLNI: Do you feel that you have any influence when it comes to any of the decisions made about what happens in Northern Ireland?
COMDIV: In this area, do Protestants and Catholics tend to go to different local shops or use different GP surgeries and other services?
SELFDIV: Have you ever not used a local shop because it was used more by people from a different religion?
LCOPEN: Do you think that leisure centres in this area are ‘shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics?
PARKOPEN: Do you think parks in this area are ‘shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics?
LIBOPEN: Do you think that libraries in this area are ‘shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics?
SHCNOPEN: Do you think that shopping centres in this area are ‘shared and open' to both Protestants and Catholics?
GOGAA: How safe would you feel going to an event in a GAA club (Gaelic Sports club)?
GOOH: How safe would you feel going to an event in an Orange hall?
GOCSCHL: How safe would you feel going to an event in a Catholic secondary school?
GOPSCHL: How safe would you feel going to an event in a Protestant secondary school?
FEELCATH: How favourable or unfavourable do you feel about people from the Catholic community?
FEELPROT: How favourable or unfavourable do you feel about people from the Protestant community?
FEELMEG: How favourable or unfavourable do you feel about people from a different ethnic group to yourself?
CTHCRICH: Does the culture and traditions of the Catholic community add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society?
PRCRICH: Does the culture and traditions of the Protestant community add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society?
EMCRICH: Does the culture and traditions of people from different minority ethnic groups add to the richness and diversity of Northern Ireland society?
CULTRESP: Do you feel that your own cultural identity is respected by society?
NISAFEWL: Do you think that towns and city centres in Northern Ireland are safe and welcoming places for people of all walks of life?
NIFRSECT: Do you think that Northern Ireland is free from displays of sectarian aggression?
SECTRACE: Is sectarianism in Northern Ireland a form of racism?
EQNOW1 - EQNOW11: Are specified groups generally treated unfairly?
BONLEGIT: Are bonfires a legitimate form of cultural celebration?
BONHLDACC: Should bonfire organisers be held to account if there is property damage or injuries as a result of their bonfires?
PLINELIV: How far do you currently live from the nearest Peace Line?
PLINEREM: Should Peace Lines be removed?