TENSHT1: Household tenure
HOUSEHLD: Number in household
RAGECAT: Age of respondent (in age categories)
RSEX: Sex of respondent
GENDERID: Gender identity
RMARST: Marital status of respondent
RLIVTOG: Is respondent living with someone household as a couple?
ORIENT2: Sexual orientation
TEA: Age when completed continuous full-time education
HIGHQUAL2: Highest educational qualification of respondent
RECONACT: Is respondent economically active?
PECONACT: Is spouse/partner economically active?
RELIGION: Do you regard yourself as belonging to any particular religion?
FAMRELIG: What religion were you brought up in?
(also available recoded into 3 categories)
PRTNRRLG: What is your spouse's/partner's religion? (also available recoded into 3 categories)
CHATTND2: How often do you attend church services/meetings?
SLFMXSCH: Did you attend a mixed or integrated school in Northern Ireland?
FORMINT: Was this a formally integrated school?
CHDMXSCH: Has any child in your care attended a mixed/integrated school in Northern Ireland?
CAREHOME: Is there anyone living with you whom you look after?
CARESEP: Do you provide regular service/help for someone not living with you?
ANYHCOND: Do you have any physical or mental health conditions or illnesses lasting or expected to last for 12 months or more?
HCONDACT: Does your condition or illness reduce your ability to carry-out day-to-day activities?
PERSINC2: Personal income before tax and National Insurance
HHLDINC2: Household income before tax and national insurance
PLACELIV: How would you describe the place where you live?
LIVEAREA: How long have you lived in the town where you live now?
OUTOFNI: Have you lived outside Northern Ireland for more than six months?
ELSEUK: Did you live elsewhere in the United Kingdom?
ROIRELND: Did you live in the Republic of Ireland?
OUTBISLE: Did you live outside the British Isles?
HINCPAST: Has your household's income fallen behind prices over the last years?
INTWWW: Does anyone have access to the internet from this address?
INTLEIS: Do you use the internet for any reason other than work?
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