EQPAST1: How are Catholics generally treated compared with 5 years ago?
How are Protestants generally treated compared with 5 years ago?
EQPAST3: How are
gays/lesbians/bi-sexuals generally treated compared with 5 years ago?
EQPAST4: How are
disabled people generally treated compared with 5 years ago?
EQPAST5: How are
elderly people generally treated compared with 5 years ago?
EQPAST6: How are
Travellers generally treated compared with 5 years ago?
EQPAST7: How are
other ethnic minorities generally treated compared with 5 years ago?
EQPAST8: How are
women generally treated compared with 5 years ago?
EQPAST9: How are
men generally treated compared with 5 years ago?
are children generally treated compared with 5 years ago?
are transgender people generally treated compared with 5 years ago?
UPREJGAY: Are you prejudiced against
gay men?
UPACTGAY: Can you avoid displaying
prejdiced behaviour towards gay men?
UPREJLES: Are you prejudiced against
UPACTLES: Can you avoid displaying
prejdiced behaviour towards lesbians?
GLCOLL: Comfortable if gay or lesbian:
A work colleague
GLMP: Comfortable if gay or lesbian:
Your MP
GLBOSS: Comfortable if gay or lesbian:
Your boss in a new job
GLFRND: Comfortable if gay or lesbian:
A close friend
GLSIB: Comfortable if gay or lesbian:
Your brother or sister
GLREL: Comfortable if gay or lesbian:
Another relative
GLUMAN: Comfortable if gay or lesbian:
Someone that you manage in a new job
GLGP: Comfortable if gay or lesbian:
Your GP
GLCHILD: Comfortable if gay or lesbian:
Your child
GLTEACH: Comfortable if gay or lesbian:
Your child’s teacher
GLRELREP: Comfortable if gay or lesbian:
Your local religious representative
GEXPRESS: Should gay men be able
to express who and what they are as much anyone else?
GHAND: Would you find it offensive to
see two men holding hands in the street?
LEXPRESS: Should lesbians be able
to express who and what they are as much as anyone else?
LHAND: Would you find it offensive to
see two women holding hands in the street?
SSEXAD: Should there be more same-sex
couples appearing in advertisements?
SSEXSOAP: Should there be more same
sex couples appearing in TV soaps?
GAYPRIDE: Should there be more Gay
Pride marches?
SSEXMARR: Do you think marriages
between same-sex couples should or should not be recognised by the
law as valid, with the same rights as traditional marriages?
TEACHEGL: Should schools have to
teach about equality for gay men and lesbians with other groups in
BARGL: Should clubs and bars be allowed
to refuse entry to a couple because they are gay or lesbian?
BARNOTGL: Should gay clubs be allowed
to refuse entry to a couple because they are not gay or lesbian?
FAMILY1: Counts as a family: A lesbian
couple with a child
FAMILY2: Counts as a family: A gay
couple with a child
FAMILY3: Counts as a family: A heterosexual
lone mother with a child
FAMILY4: Counts as a family: A lesbian
lone mother with a child
FAMILY5: Counts as a family: A heterosexual
lone father with a child
FAMILY6: Counts as a family: A gay
lone father with a child
FAMILY7: Counts as a family: An unmarried
heterosexual couple with a child
FAMILY8: Counts as a family: A married
heterosexual couple with a child
GLBORN: Can sexual orientation be changed?
EQGL: Are people who are gay or lesbian
treated equally in our society?
SEXBFMAR: Is it wrong if a man and
a woman have sexual relations before marriage?
ADULTERY: Is it wrong if a married
person has sexual relations with someone other than his or her husband
or wife?
SEXHOMO: Are sexual relations between
two adults of the same sex wrong?
GLNOT: Do you know anyone who is gay
or lesbian?
GLFAM: Is a member of your family gay
or lesbian?
GLFRIEND: Is a close friend gay or
GLACQNT: Do you have an acquaintance
who is gay or lesbian?
GLWORK: Do you know someone at work
who is gay or lesbian?
GLELSE: Do you know someone else who
is gay or lesbian?
GLDK: Are you not sure if you know anyone
who is gay or lesbian?
FNAMEGL: Have any of your friends
called someone names to their face because they saw them as gay or
UNAMEGL: Have you ever called someone
names to their face because you saw them as gay or lesbian?
LADOPT: Do you approve or disapprove
of allowing lesbian couples to adopt children
GADOPT: you approve or disapprove of
allowing two gay men to adopt children?
LESIVF: Do you think that lesbians
hould have access to IVF treatment on equal terms as heterosexual
TGNOT: Do you know anyone who is transgender?
TGFAM: Is a member of your family transgender?
TGFRIEND: Is a close friend transgender?
TGACQNT: Do you have an acquaintance
who is transgender?
TGWORK: Do you know someone at work
who is transgender?
TGELSE: Do you know someone else who
is transgender?
TGDK: Are you not sure if you know anyone
who is transgender?
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