Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2009

In the last 12 months, how many days of leave from your work, if any, did you take altogether (do not include maternity or sick leaves or similar types of leave)?



1-5 days16
6-10 days9
11-20 days15
21-30 days17
More than 30 days7
Can't choose3


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women


None 33 33
1-5 days 15 16
6-10 days 11 8
11-20 days 15 15
21-30 days 17 18
More than 30 days 5 8
Can't choose 3 2



Results for people of different ages
* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.


None 33 30 31 35 25 *
1-5 days 32 14 16 13 12 *
6-10 days 13 9 10 6 12 *
11-20 days 9 20 18 17 10 *
21-30 days 9 18 19 18 24 *
More than 30 days 4 6 6 9 12 0
Can't choose 0 3 0 3 6 *



Results for people of different religions


 CatholicProtestantNo religion
None 33 33 35
1-5 days 17 13 21
6-10 days 9 9 12
11-20 days 16 15 12
21-30 days 15 22 10
More than 30 days 6 7 7
Can't choose 3 2 2


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