Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2009
Module: Leisure Time and Sport
Variable: FREQWCH2

What sport is the SECOND MOST FREQUENT that you watch on TV? (Main categories)



Team sports (e.g. soccer, gaelic football, rugby, basketball 47
Racket sports (e.g. tennis, squash, badminton, etc) 10
Athletics & fitness sports (e.g. running, weight training, aerobics) 16
Other sports (e.g. cycling, swimming, golf, surfing etc) 27


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women


  Male Female
Team sports (e.g. soccer, gaelic football, rugby, basketball 49 45
Racket sports (e.g. tennis, squash, badminton, etc) 8 13
Athletics & fitness sports (e.g. running, weight training, aerobics) 13 20
Other sports (e.g. cycling, swimming, golf, surfing etc) 31 22



Results for people of different ages


  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
Team sports (e.g. soccer, gaelic football, rugby, basketball 52 57 43 42 43 49
Racket sports (e.g. tennis, squash, badminton, etc) 14 8 12 8 11 10
Athletics & fitness sports (e.g. running, weight training, aerobics) 17 13 14 20 16 14
Other sports (e.g. cycling, swimming, golf, surfing etc) 17 22 31 30 31 27



Results for people of different religions


  Catholic Protestant No religion
Team sports (e.g. soccer, gaelic football, rugby, basketball 58 38 42
Racket sports (e.g. tennis, squash, badminton, etc) 7 13 11
Athletics & fitness sports (e.g. running, weight training, aerobics) 15 18 13
Other sports (e.g. cycling, swimming, golf, surfing etc) 20 32 34


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