Year: 2009
Module: Attitudes to Disability
Variable: DNEGFR

Sometimes people refer to disabled people in a negative way. This could include making jokes or using offensive language. What do you think most people would feel if somebody referred to disabled people in this way in different situations?
With your close friends.



Most people would feel very comfortable6
Most people would feel fairly comfortable7
Most people would feel fairly uncomfortable28
Most people would feel very uncomfortable57
(I can't imagine this happening)2
Don't know0


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women


Most people would feel very comfortable 6 6
Most people would feel fairly comfortable 9 5
Most people would feel fairly uncomfortable 30 28
Most people would feel very uncomfortable 54 61
(I can't imagine this happening) 2 1
Don't know 0 0



Results for people of different ages


Most people would feel very comfortable 6 4 3 6 5 11
Most people would feel fairly comfortable 15 6 8 4 6 4
Most people would feel fairly uncomfortable 34 30 29 27 29 24
Most people would feel very uncomfortable 46 59 58 61 57 59
(I can't imagine this happening) 0 1 2 2 3 3
Don't know 0 0 0 0 0 0



Results for people of different religions


  CatholicProtestantNo religion
Most people would feel very comfortable 6 7 5
Most people would feel fairly comfortable 5 7 11
Most people would feel fairly uncomfortable 22 33 36
Most people would feel very uncomfortable 64 53 48
(I can't imagine this happening) 3 1 1
Don't know 0 0 0


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