Year: 2007

Say a parent on a low income wanted to send a child of theirs to a school some distance from their home, because they thought that school was better than the local school. But they cannot afford to pay the bus fare every day. What do you think should happen?



The child should go to a local school40
The government should pay the bus fare56
Don't know4


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women


The child should go to a local school 41 39
The government should pay the bus fare 55 57
Don't know 4 4



Results for people of different ages


The child should go to a local school 30 39 37 41 45 46
The government should pay the bus fare 69 58 58 57 50 49
Don't know 1 3 5 2 5 6



Results for people of different religions


 CatholicProtestantNo religion
The child should go to a local school 34 46 41
The government should pay the bus fare 63 50 56
Don't know 3 4 3


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