NHSSAT: How satisfied are you with
the way the NHS is run?
GPSAT: How satisfied are you with local
doctors or GPs?
DENTSAT: How satisfied are you with
NHS dentists?
INPATSAT: How satisfied are you with
attending hospital as an in-patient?
OUTPASAT: How satisfied are you with
attending hospital as an out-patient?
PRIVMED: Are you covered by a private
health insurance scheme?
PRIVPAID: Does your/your partner's
employer pay for members of a private health scheme?
NHSLIMIT: Should the NHS only be
available to people with lower incomes?
GPCHANGE: How difficult would it
be to change your GP?
HEALTHYR: Compared to people of your
own age, how is your health?
Do you have a long-standing illness, disability or infirmity?
HSAREA1: How satisfactory are GPs'
appointment systems?
HSAREA2: How satisfactory is the amount
of time GP gives to each patient?
HSAREA3: How satisfactory is being
able to choose which GP to see?
HSAREA4: How satisfactory is the quality
of medical treatment by GPs?
HSAREA5: How satisfactory are hospital
waiting lists for non-emergency operations?
HSAREA6: How satisfactory is the waiting
time before getting appointments with hospital consultants?
HSAREA7: How satisfactory is the general
condition of hospital buildings?
HSAREA8: How satisfactory is the staffing
level of nurses in hospitals?
HSAREA9: How satisfactory is the staffing
level of doctors in hospitals?
HSAREA10: How satisfactory is the
quality of medical treatment in hospitals?
HSAREA11: How satisfactory is the
quality of nursing care in hospitals?
HSAREA12: How satisfactory are the
waiting areas in accident and emergency departments in hospitals?
HSAREA13: How satisfactory are the
waiting areas for out-patients in hospitals?
HSAREA14: How satisfactory are the
waiting areas at GP's surgeries?
HSAREA15: How satisfactory is the
time spent waiting in out-patient departments?
HSAREA16: How satisfactory is the
time spent waiting in accident and emergency departments before being
seen by a doctor?
HSAREA17: How satisfactory is the
time spent waiting for an ambulance after a 999 call?
HSAREA18: How satisfactory is access
to treatment from an NHS dentist?
NHSDOC: In the last two years, have
you or a close family member visited an NHS GP?
NHSOUTP: In the last two years, have
you or a close family member been an out-patient in an NHS hospital?
NHSHINP: In the last two years, have
you or a close family member been an in-patient in an NHS hospital?
NHSVISIT: In the last two years,
have you or a close family member visited a patient in an NHS hospital?
PRIVPAT: In the last two years, have
you or a close family member had any dental treatment as a private
GHQ: General Health Questionnaire (12 item)