Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2005
Module: Attitudes to Minority Ethnic People
Variable: CMEGTALK

Thinking about situations where you mix with people of a minority ethnic group, for example in shops or restaurants. Some people say that they never feel completely comfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group, other people say that they always feel comfortable. Which comes closest to your views?



I always feel comfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 58
I sometimes feel uncomfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 25
I never feel comfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 7
I am from a minority ethnic group myself0
Can't choose10
Not answered1


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women


I always feel comfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 58 58
I sometimes feel uncomfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 25 25
I never feel comfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 7 6
I am from a minority ethnic group myself 0 1
Can't choose 9 10
Not answered 1 1



Results for people of different ages


I always feel comfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 53 62 67 59 58 49
I sometimes feel uncomfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 34 24 21 24 20 25
I never feel comfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 8 6 5 6 7 8
I am from a minority ethnic group myself 0 2 0 0 0 0
Can't choose 5 6 7 11 13 16
Not answered 1 0 0 0 2 2



Results for people of different religions


  CatholicProtestantNo religion
I always feel comfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 69 48 70
I sometimes feel uncomfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 17 31 17
I never feel comfortable talking to people of a minority ethnic group 4 9 6
I am from a minority ethnic group myself 1 0 0
Can't choose 9 11 8
Not answered 1 1 1


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