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Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2004

Module: Grandparenting and Family Life

This page lists the questions asked within the Grandparenting and Family Life module in 2004. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Grandparenting and Family Life can be found on the Grandparenting and Family Life Resources page.

HASCHILD: Do you have child(ren) alive?

HASPARNT: Do you have parent(s) alive?

HASGPAR: Do you have grandparent(s) alive?

HASGCHLD: Do you have grandchild(ren) alive?

HASGGPAR: Do you have great-grandparent(s) alive?

HASGGCHD: Do you have great-grandchild(ren) alive?

HASNONE: Do you have none of these relatives alive?

GCREWARD: Are your grandchildren a very rewarding part of your life?

FREEDUTY: Do you want a life that is free from too many family duties now your children have grown up?

GCHELP: Have you often put yourself out to help look after grandchildren?

GCREDWRK: Did you have to cut down or give up work to help look after grandchildren?

NGCHILD: How many grandchildren do you have?

SEXGCHLD: Sex of selected grandchild

AGEGCHLD: Age of selected grandchild

CONGCHLD: Have you had any contact at all with your grandchild in the last two years?

CLOSGCHD: Do you feel close to your grandchild?

GCLIVEU: Does your grandchild live with you?

SEEGCHLD: How often do you see your grandchild?

GCHDJRNY: How long would it take you to get to where your grandchild lives?

GCHDFONE: How often do you have contact with your grandchild by phone?

GCHDLONE: In the past year, how often has your grandchild spent time during the day with you, without their parents?

GCGIFT: How often in the past year have you given or received a present from your grandchild?

GCPARK: How often in the past year have you gone to a park or playground with your grandchild together without his/her parents?

GCEVENT: How often in the past year have you gone out shopping or to an event with your grandchild without his/her parents?

GCGAME: How often in the past year have you played indoor grames etc with your grandchild without his/her parents?

GCVISIT: How often in the last year have you gone to visit relatives with your grandchild without his/her parents?

CCARED: Have you helped with baby-sitting or child-care during the day for your grandchild?

GCCAREE: Have you helped with baby-sitting or child-care for your grandchild during the evening?

GCCOLLCT: Have you taken or collected your grandchild from nursery, play-group or school?

GCNURSE1: Have you cared for your grandchild at home, during an illness or after an accident (grandchild aged 12 or under)?

GCNURSE2: Have you cared for your grandchild at home, during an illness or after an accident (grandchild aged over 12)?

GCMONEVR: Have you ever helped out your grandchild's parent(s) with money?

GCMONYR: In the past year, have you helped out your grandchild's parent(s) with money?

GCPKTEVR: Have you given your grandchild money?

GCPKTYR: In the past year, have you given your grandchild money?

GCADVEVR: Have you ever given your grandchild advice?

GCADVYR: In the past year, have you given your grandchild this sort of advice?

GCPARALV: Are both your grandchild’s own parents still living?

GCPARTOG: Are your grandchild's parents together?

GCSEP1: Did your grandchild stay with you for some of the time at the time of parents' death or separation?

GCSEP2: Did you have more contact with your grandchild at the time of parents' death or separation?

GCSEP3: Did you have less contact with your grandchild at the time of parents' death or separation?

GCSEP4: Did it become more difficult to keep in contact with your grandchild at the time of parents' death or separation?

GCSEP5: Were you not allowed to see your grandchild at the time of parents' death or separation?

GCAGREE: Do you and your grandchild's parents agree on how best to bring up children?

GCSAY1: When important decisions are being made about your grandchild, do you have a say?

GCSAY2: When important decisions were being made about your grandchild, did you have a say?

GPIMP: Are your grandparents an important part of your life?

GPNOTSEE: Would you see your grandparents as often as you do if you didn't have to?

GPNOTINT: Are your grandparents interested in your life?

GPLIKE: Do you see your grandparents as often as they would like?

GPVALUE: Do people place enough value on the part grandparents play in family life?

GPINVOLV: Should grandparents should be closely involved in deciding how their grandchildren are brought up?

GPTEACH: Do grandparents have little to teach the grandchildren of today?

GPAPPREC: Do many parents not appreciate the help that grandparents give?

GPINTERF: Do grandparents interfere too much with the way their grandchildren are brought up?

GPDEPEND: Do families need grandparents to help more and more?

CAREHOME: Is there anyone living with you whom you look after?

CARESEP: Do you provide regular service/help for someone not living with you?

CAREWHO: Who do you provide care for?

CARESEX: Gender of person that respondent cares for.

CAREAGE: Age of person that respondent cares for.

CARELIVE: Do you live with the person you provide care for?

CAREOAGE: Do you provide care to someone due to old age or frailty?

CAREPDIS: Do you provide care to someone with a physical disability?

CAREPILL: Do you provide care to someone with a physical illness?

CARELDIS: Do you provide care to someone with a learning disability?

CAREMILL: Do you provide care to someone with a mental illness?

CAREHOUR: How many hours per day do you provide care?

CAREDAYS: On how many days per week do you provide care?

DOCARE1: Do you help with personal care to the person you provide care for?

DOCARE2: Do you give physical help to the person you provide care for?

DOCARE3: Do you give help up/down staires to the person you provide care for?

DOCARE4: Do you give help with paperwork to the person you provide care for?

DOCARE5: Do you give practical help to the person you provide care for?

DOCARE6: Do you give other practical help to the person you provide care for?

DOCARE7: Do you give companionship to the person you provide care for?

DOCARE8: Do you take the person you provide care for out?

DOCARE9: Do you give medicine to the person you provide care for?

DOCARE10: Do you give supervision to the person you provide care for?

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