CONGCHLD: Have you had any contact
at all with your grandchild in the last two years?
CLOSGCHD: Do you feel close to your
GCLIVEU: Does your grandchild live
with you?
SEEGCHLD: How often do you see your
GCHDJRNY: How long would it take
you to get to where your grandchild lives?
GCHDFONE: How often do you have contact
with your grandchild by phone?
GCHDLONE: In the past year, how often
has your grandchild spent time during the day with you, without their
GCGIFT: How often in the past year
have you given or received a present from your grandchild?
GCPARK: How often in the past year
have you gone to a park or playground with your grandchild together
without his/her parents?
GCEVENT: How often in the past year
have you gone out shopping or to an event with your grandchild without
his/her parents?
GCGAME: How often in the past year
have you played indoor grames etc with your grandchild without his/her
GCVISIT: How often in the last year
have you gone to visit relatives with your grandchild without his/her
CCARED: Have you helped with baby-sitting
or child-care during the day for your grandchild?
GCCAREE: Have you helped with baby-sitting
or child-care for your grandchild during the evening?
GCCOLLCT: Have you taken or collected
your grandchild from nursery, play-group or school?
GCNURSE1: Have you cared for your
grandchild at home, during an illness or after an accident (grandchild
aged 12 or under)?
GCNURSE2: Have you cared for your
grandchild at home, during an illness or after an accident (grandchild
aged over 12)?
GCMONEVR: Have you ever helped out
your grandchild's parent(s) with money?
GCMONYR: In the past year, have you
helped out your grandchild's parent(s) with money?
GCPKTEVR: Have you given your grandchild
GCPKTYR: In the past year, have you
given your grandchild money?
GCADVEVR: Have you ever given your
grandchild advice?
GCADVYR: In the past year, have you
given your grandchild this sort of advice?
GCPARALV: Are both your grandchild’s
own parents still living?
GCPARTOG: Are your grandchild's parents
GCSEP1: Did your grandchild stay with
you for some of the time at the time of parents' death or separation?
GCSEP2: Did you have more contact with
your grandchild at the time of parents' death or separation?
GCSEP3: Did you have less contact with
your grandchild at the time of parents' death or separation?
GCSEP4: Did it become more difficult
to keep in contact with your grandchild at the time of parents' death
or separation?
GCSEP5: Were you not allowed to see
your grandchild at the time of parents' death or separation?
GCAGREE: Do you and your grandchild's
parents agree on how best to bring up children?
GCSAY1: When important decisions are
being made about your grandchild, do you have a say?
GCSAY2: When important decisions were
being made about your grandchild, did you have a say?
GPIMP: Are your grandparents an important
part of your life?
GPNOTSEE: Would you see your grandparents
as often as you do if you didn't have to?
GPNOTINT: Are your grandparents interested
in your life?
GPLIKE: Do you see your grandparents
as often as they would like?
GPVALUE: Do people place enough value
on the part grandparents play in family life?
GPINVOLV: Should grandparents should
be closely involved in deciding how their grandchildren are brought
GPTEACH: Do grandparents have little
to teach the grandchildren of today?
GPAPPREC: Do many parents not appreciate
the help that grandparents give?
GPINTERF: Do grandparents interfere
too much with the way their grandchildren are brought up?
GPDEPEND: Do families need grandparents
to help more and more?
Is there anyone living with you whom you look after?
CAREWHO: Who do you provide care for?
CARESEX: Gender of person that respondent
cares for.
CAREAGE: Age of person that respondent
cares for.
CARELIVE: Do you live with the person
you provide care for?
CAREOAGE: Do you provide care to
someone due to old age or frailty?
CAREPDIS: Do you provide care to
someone with a physical disability?
CAREPILL: Do you provide care to
someone with a physical illness?
CARELDIS: Do you provide care to
someone with a learning disability?
CAREMILL: Do you provide care to
someone with a mental illness?
CAREHOUR: How many hours per day
do you provide care?
CAREDAYS: On how many days per week
do you provide care?
DOCARE1: Do you help with personal
care to the person you provide care for?
DOCARE2: Do you give physical help
to the person you provide care for?
DOCARE3: Do you give help up/down
staires to the person you provide care for?
DOCARE4: Do you give help with paperwork
to the person you provide care for?
DOCARE5: Do you give practical help
to the person you provide care for?
DOCARE6: Do you give other practical
help to the person you provide care for?
DOCARE7: Do you give companionship
to the person you provide care for?
DOCARE8: Do you take the person you
provide care for out?
DOCARE9: Do you give medicine to the
person you provide care for?
DOCARE10: Do you give supervision
to the person you provide care for?