Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2004

Module: Community/Good Relations

This page lists the questions asked within the Community/Good Relations module in 2004. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Community/Good Relations can be found on the Community Relations Resources page.

RLRELAGO: Are relations between Protestants and Catholics better now than 5 years ago?

RLRELFUT: Will relations between Protestants and Catholics be better in 5 years time?

RELGALWY: Will religion always make a difference to the way people feel about each other?

MXRLGNGH: Would you prefer to live in a neighbourhood with people of only your own religion?

MXRLGWRK: Would you prefer a workplace with people of only your own religion?

OWNMXSCH: Would you prefer a school with children of only your own religion?

RACE1: Which group do you belong to?

NINATID: Do you think of yourself as British/Irish/Ulster/Northern Irish?

OBOSSRLG: Would most people mind if a suitably qualified person of a different religion were appointed as their boss?

SBOSSRLG: Would you mind if a suitably qualified person of a different religion were appointed as your boss?

OMARRRLG: Would most people mind if a close relative were to marry someone of a different religion?

SMARRRLG: Would you mind if a close relative were to marry someone of a different religion?

OBOSSCH: Would most white people mind if a suitably qualified person of Chinese origin were appointed as their boss?

SBOSSCH: Would you mind if a suitably qualified person of Chinese origin were appointed as your boss?

OMARRCH: Would most white people mind if a close relative were to marry a person of Chinese origin?

SMARRCH: Would you mind if a close relative were to marry a person of Chinese origin?

REPMURAL: Have you felt intimidated by republican murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

REPMUR2: Have you felt annoyed by republican murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

LOYMURAL: Have you felt intimidated by loyalist murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

LOYMUR2: Have you felt annoyed by loyalist murals, kerb paintings, or flags?

EQNOW1-EQNOW9: Are specified groups generally treated unfairly? Catholics, Protestants, Gays/lesbians/bi-sexuals, Disabled, Elderly, Travellers, Other ethnic minorities, Women, Men

WHATFLAG: What flag should be flown outside public buildings on special occasions?

LOYFLAGP: Should loyalist paramilitary flags be allowed on display in a mainly Protestant area?

LOYFLAGM: Should loyalist paramilitary flags be allowed on display in a mixed area?

REPFLAGC: Should republican paramilitary flags be allowed on display in a mainly Catholic area?

REPFLAGM: Should republican paramilitary flags be allowed on display in a mixed area?

UFLAGP: Should the Union flag be allowed on display in a mainly Protestant area?

UFLAGM: Should the Union flag be allowed on display in a mixed area?

IFLAGC: Should the Irish tricolour be allowed on display in a mainly Catholic area?

IFLAGM: Should the Irish tricolour be allowed on display in a mixed area?

ISWKNEUT: Is your workplace a 'neutral space'?

WORKSYMB: What symbols does your workplace have?

SDWKNEUT: Should your workplace should be a neutral space?

ISNGNEUT: Is your neighbourhood a 'neutral space'?

NGHSYMB: What symbols do your neighbourhood have?

SDNGNEUT: Should your neighbourhood should be a neutral space?

ISSPNEUT: Are the shops where you do your main shopping a neutral space?

SHOPSYMB: What symbols do the shops where you do your main shopping have?

SDSPNEUT: Should the shops where you do your main shopping be a neutral space?

ISLSNEUT: Are your local shops a neutral space?

LOCSSYMB: What symbols does the area by your local shops have?

SDLSNEUT: Should your local shops be a neutral space?


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