Year: 2003
Module: Disability
Variable: VFFEEL1 - VFFEEL14

I am now going to ask about a few hypothetical situations. I would like to remind you that there are no right or wrong answers, only opinions.

You are going to a new dentist. When you go in for treatment you notice that the dentist has a severe facial disfigurement. How would you feel?

The table below shows the percentage of respondents identifying each response.



Annoyed, irritated 1
Threatened, frightened 1
Suspicious, dubious <1
Nervous, anxious 4
Uncomfortable, embarrassed 10
Surprised, shocked 4
Curious 5
Worried of adverse reaction/offending person 4
Sorry for the person 15
Understanding, genuinely concerned 14
Fine, would not bother me 63
Other 1
None of these 1
Don't know 1

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