Year: 2003
Module: Disability
Variable: VBDO1 - VBDO10

I am now going to ask about a few hypothetical situations. I would like to remind you that there are no right or wrong answers, only opinions.

You are waiting for a bus. A scruffily dressed person who looks as though they have not washed for some time is in front of you. They look nervous, and are talking and laughing to themselves. As the bus is arriving they turn round. While looking at the floor, they ask for someone to take the money from their wallet. They say they can't touch the money themselves as it is dangerous. What, if anything, would you do?

The table below shows the percentage of respondents identifying each response.



Ignore them completely 12
Ignore them, somebody else will help out 6
Refuse to help, unsure if genuine/safety issue 7
Tell bus driver and get on bus 22
Assist them only if other people are present 19
Get help from bus driver/other person (making sure help is given) 19
Assist quickly with money in order to get on bus 16
Take time to talk to/reassure person, assist with money 3
Other 2
Don't know 2

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