Friday March 14, 2025

Year: 2003

What is the total income of your household from all sources before tax and national insurance contributions? Include all income from employment and benefits.



Under £3,000 per annum (less than £60 per week) 1
£3,000 - £3,999 per annum (£60 - £80 per week) 3
£4,000 - £6,999 per annum (£80 - £135 per week) 9
£7,000 - £9,999 per annum (£135 - £195 per week) 9
£10,000 - £14,999 per annum (£195 - £290 per week) 11
£15,000 - £19,999 per annum (£290 - £385 per week) 9
£20,000 - £25,999 per annum (£385 - £500 per week) 6
£26,000 - £29,999 per annum (£500 - £580 per week) 5
£30,000 - £39,999 per annum (£580 - £770 per week) 4
£40,000 + per annum (£770+ per week) 6
I do not wish to answer this question 22
(Don't know) 17


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women



  Male Female
Under £3,000 per annum (less than £60 per week) 2 1
£3,000 - £3,999 per annum (£60 - £80 per week) 2 4
£4,000 - £6,999 per annum (£80 - £135 per week) 6 11
£7,000 - £9,999 per annum (£135 - £195 per week) 7 10
£10,000 - £14,999 per annum (£195 - £290 per week) 11 11
£15,000 - £19,999 per annum (£290 - £385 per week) 8 10
£20,000 - £25,999 per annum (£385 - £500 per week) 7 5
£26,000 - £29,999 per annum (£500 - £580 per week) 5 5
£30,000 - £39,999 per annum (£580 - £770 per week) 4 3
£40,000 + per annum (£770+ per week) 7 5
I do not wish to answer this question 23 21
(Don't know) 18 15



Results for people of different ages



  18-24 1225-344 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
Under £3,000 per annum (less than £60 per week) 3 13 <1 1 1 1
£3,000 - £3,999 per annum (£60 - £80 per week) 3 1 2 3 4 4
£4,000 - £6,999 per annum (£80 - £135 per week) 4 6 2 6 8 18
£7,000 - £9,999 per annum (£135 - £195 per week) 8 8 5 6 10 13
£10,000 - £14,999 per annum (£195 - £290 per week) 9 10 5 8 10 13
15£121958,6000 - £19,999 per annum (£290 - £385 per week) 9 15 12 9 8 6
£20,000 - £25,999 per annum (£385 - £500 per week) 5 7 10 5 4 3
£26,000 - £29,999 per annum (£500 - £580 per week) 3 7 8 8 4 1
£30,000 - £39,999 per annum (£580 - £770 per week) 1 7 7 3 5 1
£40,000 + per annum (£770+ per week) 2 7 8 12 4 1
I do not wish to answer this question 8 17 21 25 27 27
(Don't know) 45 12 12 14 16 13



Results for people of different religions



  Catholic Protestant No religion
Under £3,000 per annum (less than £60 per week) 1 1 2
£3,000 - £3,999 per annum (£60 - £80 per week) 2 3 4
£4,000 - £6,999 per annum (£80 - £135 per week) 11 8 6
£7,000 - £9,999 per annum (£135 - £195 per week) 10 8 4
£10,000 - £14,999 per annum (£195 - £290 per week) 12 11 6
£15,000 - £19,999 per annum (£290 - £385 per week) 10 9 10
£20,000 - £25,999 per annum (£385 - £500 per week) 7 5 9
£26,000 - £29,999 per annum (£500 - £580 per week) 5 5 8
£30,000 - £39,999 per annum (£580 - £770 per week) 4 4 6
£40,000 + per annum (£770+ per week) 4 6 15
I do not wish to answer this question 18 25 23
(Don't know) 18 18 8


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