Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 2003

Module: Ageing and Ageism

This page lists the questions asked on Ageing and Ageism in 2003. Clicking on the question name printed to the left of every question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Ageing and Ageism can be found on the Ageing and Ageism Resources page.

OTREAT: Are older people are treated better or worse because of their age?

ORESPECT: As you get older, do people treat you with more respect?

AUTHOLD: Do the authorities in N Ireland do all they should for older people?

WAUTHOLD: In what ways do the authorities not do enough?

OPROB1 - OPROB8: Main problems facing older people in N Ireland today

OPADMIRE: Are older people admired and respected by young people?

GIVUPWRK: Should people in their 50's give up work to make way for younger people?

OPSETWAY: Are older people too set in their ways and ideas?

OPLSTNYP: Are older people willing to listen to young people's views?

OPRIGHTS: Should older people stand up more actively for their own rights?

OPYPMIX: Should older and younger people mix together more often socially?

OPPRICES: Should all older people be given reduced prices for things like gas, electricity, telephone and transport?

OPYOUNG: Are older people much younger in their ways these days?

NOTRECOP: Does society recognise the contribution that many older people are still able to make?

HSCWOP1: Do health and social care workers treat older people differently with regard to their attitudes to them?

HSCWOP2: Do health and social care workers treat older people differently with regard to the treatment of their illnesses?

HSCWOP3: Do health and social care workers treat older people differently when placing them on waiting lists for tests and operations?

ULESSDIG: Were you ever treated with less dignity and respect by people in the health and social care professions because of your age?

UNOTMED: Were you ever not offered medical treatment because of your age?

FLESSDIG: Was a friend or family member treated with less dignity and respect by people in the health and social care professions because of their age?

FNOTMED: Was a friend or family member not offered medical treatment because of their age?

OPLKWORK: Are people in their 50's and 60's who are looking for work are generally treated better han younger people by prospective employers?

FS50PEN: Do people in their fifties and up to retirement age get a good deal from the financial sector?

FSOVPEN: Do people over retirement age get a good deal from the financial sector?

UDISCFS: Have you ever not treated as well as you might have been by the financial sector because of your age?

WUDISCFS: In what way were you not treated well by the financial sector?

FDISCFS: Was a friend or family member not treated as well as they might have been by the financial sector because of their age?

WFDISCFS: In what way was a friend or family member not treated well by the financial sector?

UDISCEMP: Did an employer not treat you well because of your age?

WUDISCEM: In what way were you not treated well by an employer?

FDISCEMP: Was a friend or family member not treated well by an employer because of their age?

WFDISCEM: In what way was a friend or family member not treated well by an employer?

RETPDEMP: Should people over the state retirement age be encouraged to stay in paid employment?

OWJBREC: Are older workers discriminated against with regard to job recruitment?

OWJBPROM: Are older workers discriminated against with regard to job promotion?

OWJBTRAN: Are older workers discriminated against with regard to job training?

OWJBSTAT: Are older workers discriminated against with regard to status or position in their organisation?

DISEMP50: Is it legal for an employer to refuse to employ a person because they are older?

LWEMPAGE: Are you in favour of making it illegal to refuse to employ someone because of their age?

DISGDS50: Is it legal for someone providing goods and services to refuse someone access because they are older?

LWGDSAGE: Are you of making it illegal to refuse someone access to goods and services because they are older?

FIXRTAGE: Is a fixed retirement age fair?

WKRETAGE: Would you prefer to work beyond the current retirement age?

RETGRAD: Would you prefer to retire gradually?

JOBSEC: Should a secretarial job go to a 52 or a 24 year old?

Why would you offer the job to the older woman?

Why would you offer the job to the younger woman?

HEARTOP: Should an older or a younger man receive a heart by-pass first?

PEN7745: Is a pension of £77.45 per week a good deal?

STFINPEN: Is the financial provision made by the state for pensioners adequate?

OMARR50: Would most people in N Ireland mind a close relative in her 20's wanted to marry a man in his 50's?

SMARR50: Would you mind a close relative in her 20's wanted to marry a man in his 50's?

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