Saturday March 15, 2025

Year: 2002

If there was a referendum on whether the UK should join the single European currency, the Euro, how do you think you would vote...



Would you vote to join the euro,39
Or, not to join the euro?48
(Don't know)14


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women



Would you vote to join the euro, 45 34
Or, not to join the euro? 45 49
(Don't know) 9 17



Results for people of different ages



Would you vote to join the euro, 52 36 43 43 38 26
Or, not to join the euro? 33 47 44 44 52 61
(Don't know) 14 17 13 13 10 14



Results for people of different religions



 CatholicProtestantNo religion
Would you vote to join the euro, 55 23 51
Or, not to join the euro? 32 63 37
(Don't know) 12 14 12


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