Saturday March 15, 2025

Year: 2002

There are nine Ôrights' that every EU citizen has and they are listed on each of these cards. Which one do you think is the most important for citizens of the European Union to have?



The right to live and work anywhere in the EU 53
If you live in another EU country, the right to vote in the European elections of that country 5
If you live in another EU country, the right to stand as a candidate in the European elections 2
If you live in another EU country, the right to vote in local elections 4
If you live in another EU country, the right to stand as a candidate in the local elections 1
The right to use the embassies and consulates of other EU countries when in need 5
If you live in another EU country, the right to claim some some social security benefits 7
The right to appeal to the European Ombudsman if your rights are disregarded by an EU institution 6
The right to bring a case to the European Union Court of Justice if your rights under EU law have been disregarded 11
(Don't know) 8


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.
Go to technical notes



Results for men and women



  Male Female
The right to live and work anywhere in the EU 55 51
If you live in another EU country, the right to vote in the European elections of that country 4 5
If you live in another EU country, the right to stand as a candidate in the European elections 1 1
If you live in another EU country, the right to vote in local elections 4 3
If you live in another EU country, the right to stand as a candidate in the local elections 1 1
The right to use the embassies and consulates of other EU countries when in need 4 5
If you live in another EU country, the right to claim some some social security benefits 5 8
The right to appeal to the European Ombudsman if your rights are disregarded by an EU institution 6 5
The right to bring a case to the European Union Court of Justice if your rights under EU law have been disregarded 12 9
(Don't know) 6 10



Results for people of different ages



  18-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65+
The right to live and work anywhere in the EU 53 55 55 57 52 45
If you live in another EU country, the right to vote in the European elections of that country 4 6 4 5 4 6
If you live in another EU country, the right to stand as a candidate in the European elections 1 2 0 1 1 1
If you live in another EU country, the right to vote in local elections 3 2 4 5 4 3
If you live in another EU country, the right to stand as a candidate in the local elections 1 2 0 1 1 1
The right to use the embassies and consulates of other EU countries when in need 3 5 7 4 5 5
If you live in another EU country, the right to claim some some social security benefits 8 6 4 5 8 8
The right to appeal to the European Ombudsman if your rights are disregarded by an EU institution 4 7 5 4 7 7
The right to bring a case to the European Union Court of Justice if your rights under EU law have been disregarded 16 9 14 11 8 7
(Don't know) 7 7 6 6 7 17



Results for people of different religions



  Catholic Protestant No religion
The right to live and work anywhere in the EU 55 50 57
If you live in another EU country, the right to vote in the European elections of that country 6 5 3
If you live in another EU country, the right to stand as a candidate in the European elections 1 1 0
If you live in another EU country, the right to vote in local elections 4 3 3
If you live in another EU country, the right to stand as a candidate in the local elections 1 1 0
The right to use the embassies and consulates of other EU countries when in need 4 6 4
If you live in another EU country, the right to claim some some social security benefits 6 7 4
The right to appeal to the European Ombudsman if your rights are disregarded by an EU institution 4 6 7
The right to bring a case to the European Union Court of Justice if your rights under EU law have been disregarded 9 11 17
(Don't know) 7 10 5


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