Household tenure
Number in household
Age of respondent (in age categories)
RSEX: Sex of respondent
RRESP: Does respondent have legal responsibility for accommodation?
RMARSTAT: Marital status of respondent
Has respondent children 16 or under (living or not living with them)?
Highest educational qualification of respondent
Age when completed continuous full-time education.
RECNTACT: Economic activity of respondent
How many hours do you normally work per week?
Are you currently a member of a trade union?
Have you ever had a job?
REMPSEMP: Is/was respondent an employee or self-employed?
RMANFORE: Is/was respondent a manager, foreman/supervisor or neither?
How many people do/did you manage or supervise?
RSECT: Work in public, private or voluntary sector?
RNUMEMP: If employee, number of employees where respondent works
RNUMSEMP: If respondent is self-employed, number of employees
ECNACTS: Economic activity of spouse/partner
How many hours a week does spouse/partner work?
SJOBCHK: Has spouse/partner ever had a job?
SEMPSEMP: Is spouse/partner an employee or self-employed?
SMANFORE: Is spouse/partner a manager, foreman/supervisor or neither?
SSECT: Spouse/partner work in public, private or voluntary sector?
SNUMEMP: If employee, number of employees where spouse/partner
SNUMSEMP: If spouse/partner is self-employed, number of employees
RELIGION: Religion of respondent
FAMRELIG: What religion were you brought up in?
CHATTEND: How often do you attend church services/meetings?
RELIGSAM: Is your spouse/partner the same religion as you?
Have you ever attended a (Catholic/Protestant) religious service in
Northern Ireland?
OFTENATT: How often have you attended a (Catholic/Protestant)
service in the last year?
GOWED: If you were invited to attend a wedding in a (Protestant/Catholic)
church would you be happy to go?
SLFMXSCH: Did you attend a mixed or integrated school in Northern
FORMINT: Was this a formally integrated school?
CHDMXSCH: Has any child in your care attended a mixed/integrated
school in Northern Ireland?
CAREHOME: Is there anyone living with you whom you look after?
CARESEP: Do you provide regular service/help for someone not living
with you?
Do you have a long-standing illness, disability or infirmity?
LIMDISAB: Does this illness or disability limit your activities
in any way?
LIMILL: Have you ever had a long-term illness that affected your
Personal income before tax and National Insurance
Household income
Sexual orientation
How long have you lived in the town where you live now?
OUTOFNI: Have you lived outside Northern Ireland for more than
six months?
ELSEUK: Did you live elsewhere in the United Kingdom?
ROIRELND: Did you live in the Republic of Ireland?
OUTBISLE: Did you live outside the British Isles?
PLACELIV: How would you describe the place where you live?
NIECON1: Has Northern Ireland's economy got stronger or weaker
over the last year?
NIECON2: Has Northern Ireland's economy got stronger or weaker
over the last ten years?
HINCPAST: Has your household's income fallen behind prices over
the last years?
SPEND1: What is your highest priority for extra government spending?
SPEND2: What is your second highest priority for extra government
Do you read a daily morning newspaper?