Year: 2001
Module:Health Issues
And which one of these, if any, was the most useful source of information for you in building up your knowledge of that health problem or health issue?



A doctor or other health professional57
A friend or relative who is a health professional6
Another friend or relative5
Someone who practices alternative medicine5
The internet4
A support group5
Classes at school1
None of these0
(Don't know/can't remember)2


Go to results for men and women, people of different ages and people of different religions.

Go to technical notes



Results for men and women



  Male Female
A doctor or other health professional 57 57
A friend or relative who is a health professional 10 4
Another friend or relative 5 5
Someone who practices alternative medicine 5 4
The internet 4 4
Books 5 11
Leaflets 2 0
A support group 4 5
Magazines 2 1
Classes at school 0 1
Other 6 6
None of these 0 0
(Don't know/can't remember) 1 2



Results for people of different ages

The number of people in each category is too small to allow percentages to be calculated



Results for people of different religions



  Catholic Protestant No religion
A doctor or other health professional 51 60 *
A friend or relative who is a health professional 5 7 *
Another friend or relative 4 4 *
Someone who practices alternative medicine 3 4 *
The internet 7 3 *
Books 11 8 *
Leaflets 2 0 *
A support group 7 4 *
Magazines 2 2 *
Classes at school 0 1 *
Other 10 4 *
None of these 0 0 *
(Don't know/can't remember) 0 3 *
* indicates that the number of people in this category is
too small to allow percentages to be calculated.


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