Thursday March 13, 2025

Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 1999

Module: Political Attitudes

This page lists the questions asked within the Political Attitudes module in 1999. Clicking on the variable name before each question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Political Attitudes can be found on the Political Attitudes Resources page.

Some of these questions were also asked in the Young Life and Times Survey.

NIPARTY: Which Northern Ireland political party would you support?

PTYHPEAC: Has the party you support done a lot to help the chances of peace?

UNINATID: Do you think of yourself as a unionist, a nationalist or neither?

ASSMDAY: Most important day-to-day issue for the Assembly?

ASSMPOL: Most important political issue for the Assembly?

DAYORPOL: Day-today issues more important than political issues for Assembly?

ASSEFF: Will day-to-day services be more efficient under control of the Assembly?

ASSEXP: Will day-to-day services be more expensive under control of the Assembly?

PPLKNOW: Do most people understand how Assembly and other bodies work?

YOUKNOW: Do you understand how Assembly and other bodies work?

OPENOUGH: Was setting up of the Assembly and other bodies open?

HEARDEQ: Have you heard of the Equality Commission for Northern Ireland?

EQGOAHD: Should Equality Commission go ahead even though power has not been devolved?

HEARDHR: Have you heard of the Human Rights Commission?

HRGOAHD: Should Human Rights Commission go ahead even though power has not been devolved?

ASSMBDO1: Should Assembly be responsible for policing in Northern Ireland?

ASSMBDO2: Should Assembly have the power to raise or lower income tax?

ASSMBDO3: Should Assembly provide extra subsidies for farmers?

ASSMBDO4: Should Assembly promote Irish by introducing bi-lingual road signs?

ASSMBDO5: Should Assembly better integrate the economies North and South?

ASSMBDO6: Should Assembly develop closer links with the Scottish Parliament?

ASSMBDO7: Should Assembly develop closer links with the Welsh Assembly?

ASSMBDO8: Should Assembly legalise abortion?

ASSMBDO9: Should Assembly support the single European currency?

TAX1: Pay more income tax to increase spending on the health service?

TAX2: Pay more income tax to increase spending on primary schools?

TAX3: Pay more income tax to increase spending on secondary schools?

TAX4: Pay more income tax to increase spending on employment opportunities?

TAX5: Pay more income tax to increase spending on public transport?

TAX6: Pay more income tax to increase spending on policing?

MYFIRSTM: Best choice for First Minister?

MYDEPM: Best choice for Deputy First Minister?

ASSMB3YR: Will Assembly be in place in 3 years time?

NIRELAND: What do you think the long-term policy for Northern Ireland should be?

FUTURE1: How would you feel if the majority of people in Northern Ireland ever voted to become part of a united Ireland?

FUTURE2: How would you feel if the majority of people in Northern Ireland never voted to become part of a united Ireland?

UNTDIREL: Do you think it likely that there will be a united Ireland in the next 20 years?

CHNPEACE: Are the chances of peace in Northern Ireland better now than five years ago?

GOODFRI: Has Good Friday Agreement benefited unionists and nationalists equally?

VOTESAME: Would you still vote same way as in Good Friday Agreement Referendum?

HOWVOTE: How did you vote last May?

IMPLMNT1: I am angry at the politicians for blocking progress on the Good Friday Agreement?

IMPLMNT2: I am angry at the paramilitaries for blocking progress on the Good Friday Agreement?

IMPLMNT3: I don't blame anyone for the lack of progress on the Good Friday Agreement?

IMPLMNT4: Sympathetic to the difficulties in trying to implement the Good Friday Agreement?

DECOMMIS: View on the need for decommissioning of paramilitary weapons.

POLFAIR: Do the police treat Catholics and Protestants equally?

ENCRLPOL: Would you encourage relative to become a police officer?

CROSSBD1: Do you support cross-border co-operation in tourism?

CROSSBD2: Do you support cross-border co-operation in transport?

CROSSBD3: Do you support cross-border co-operation in agriculture?

CROSSBD4: Do you support cross-border co-operation in health?

CROSSBD5: Do you support cross-border co-operation in security?

CROSSBD6: Do you support cross-border co-operation in NI's political future?

POWERNI1: Who has the most power over everyday life in Northern Ireland?

POWERNI2: Who should have the most power over everyday life in Northern Ireland?

DEV1: Will devolution bring economic prosperity to Northern Ireland?

DEV2: Will local politicians who become ministers be able to work with each other?

DEV3: Will devolution help secure peace in Northern Ireland?

DEV4: Will devolution lead to a fall in living standards in Northern Ireland?

DEV5: Will devolution lead to the break-up of the UK?

RMARCHFR: Is the right to march an important freedom?

AREAMAR: Should no marches be allowed through areas of another tradition unless the residents approve?

PARCOMM: Is the Parades Commission impartial?

WEALTH1: Do ordinary working people get their fair share of the nation's wealth?

RICHLAW: Is there one law for the rich and one for the poor?

TRADVALS: Is there a need for strong trade unions to protect employees' working conditions and wages?

PRENTBST: Is private enterprise the best way to solve Northern Ireland's economic problems?

PUBOWNST: Should major public services and industries be in state ownership?

GOVJOB: Is it the government's responsibility to provide a job for everyone who wants one?

GOVNOSAY: Do people have no say in what the government does?

GOVCOMP: Can politics and government seem so complicated that a person cannot understand what is going on?

LOSETCH: Do those we elect lose touch with the people pretty quickly?

PTYNTMT: Do things go on much the same whatever party is in power?

VOTEINTR: Are parties only interested in people's votes, not in their opinions?

VOTEONLY: Is voting the only way people can have any say about how the government runs things?   

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