Trust journalists on national newspapers re research into human genes?
TRGENGVM: Trust government health ministers re research into human
TRGENUNI: Trust scientists in universities re research into human
TRGENGVS: Trust government scientists re research into human genes?
TRGENCOM: Trust scientists working for drug or pharmaceutical
companies re research into human genes?
TRGENCHA: Trust scientists working for health research charities
re research into human genes?
GENREFIN: Should insurance companies use genetic tests to accept
or refuse people for life insurance policies?
GENCHGIN: Should insurance companies use genetic tests in deciding
cost of life insurance policies?
GENEMPL: Has an employer the right to see results of genetic tests
of job applicants?
GENTAKET: Has an employer the right to make job applicants take
a genetic test?
GENPROMO: Has an employer the right to use genetic test results
when considering employees' promotion?
PREGTEST: Should there be genetic tests on babies in the womb?
ABMENTAL: Legal abortion right if child has serious mental disability?
ABPHYS: Legal abortion right if child has serious physical disability?
ABDIE: Legal abortion right if child will die in twenties or thirties?
ABSHORT: Legal abortion right if child never grow taller than
eight year old?
GENHEIGH: What decides a person's height?
GENCLEVE: What decides a person's intelligence?
GENGAY: What decides being gay or lesbian?
GENHEART: What decides a person's chances of getting heart disease?
GENCANC: What decides a person's chances of getting breast cancer?
GENVIOL: What decides a person's chances of being aggressive or
GENFAT: What decides being very overweight?
GENEYES: What decides the colour of a person's eyes?
CHGHEIGH: Change genes to make a person taller or shorter?
CHGCLEVE: Change genes to make more intelligent?
CHGGAY: Change genes to make gay or lesbian?
CHGSTRAI: Change genes to make a person straight?
CHGHEART: Change genes to reduce chance of getting heart disease?
CHGCANC: Change genes to reduce chances of getting breast cancer?
CHGVIOL: Change genes to make less aggressive or violent?
Change genes to make of average weight?
Change genes to determine the sex of an unborn baby?
GENFAMIL: Ever been advised of a serious genetic condition in
your family?
GENCARE: Ever helped care for someone born with a serious genetic
GMFDSAFE: How safe do you think genetically modified foods are
to eat?
GMFDQUAL: Is GM food progress as it means better quality food?
GMFDBAN: Ban GM food until effects on health fully known?
GENSCITR: Should scientists be trusted to decide what genetic
research to do?
GENGOCVN: Should genetic scientists be free from government controls?
GENRESCH: Should there be research into human genes?
GENNOCHD: Should people at risk of having a child with serious
a genetic disorder start a family?
GENHARM: Will research into human genes do more harm than good?
GENHOPE: How worried are you about discoveries into human genes?
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