Thursday March 13, 2025

Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 1999

Module: Community/Good Relations

This page lists the questions asked on Community/Good Relations module in 1999. Clicking on the variable name before each question will bring you to the tables of results for that question. Publications and further information on Community/Good Relations can be found on the Community/Good Relations Resources page.


RLRELAGO: Are relations between Protestants and Catholics better now than 5 years ago?

RLRELFUT: Will relations between Protestants and Catholics be better in 5 years time?

RELGALWY: Will religion always make a difference to the way people feel about each other?

MXRLGNGH: Would you prefer to live in a neighbourhood with people of only your own religion?

MXRLGWRK: Would you prefer a workplace with people of only your own religion?

OWNMXSCH: Would you prefer a school with children of only your own religion?

RACE1: Which group do you belong to?

NINATID: Do you think of yourself as British/Irish/Ulster/Northern Irish?

BRITISH: How strongly do you feel yourself to be British?

IRISH: How strongly do you feel yourself to be Irish?

ULSTER: How strongly do you feel yourself to have an Ulster identity?

NIRISH: How strongly do you feel yourself to be Northern Irish?

INSPAIN: What nationality would you say if you were on holiday in Spain?

INENG: What nationality would you say if you were in England?

INROI: What nationality would you say if you were in the Republic of Ireland?

IDENT1: How would you describe yourself?

COMPLOSS: Compromise and accommodation means everyone loses out?

COMPBETT: The more people that are willing to compromise, the better off everyone will be?

COMPNSUR: It is possible to compromise without surrendering basic principles?

VIEWLOST: My fear is that my own view point will be lost among louder voices?

VIEWSACC: At some time in the future, the viewpoints of all cultural traditions will be accepted by everyone in Northern Ireland?

EQUALRLG: Are Protestants and Catholics treated equally?

WHOBETT: Who is usually treated better - Protestants or Catholics?

JOBOPPS: Are Protestants/Catholics treated better with job opportunities?

HOUSING: Are Protestants/Catholics treated better with housing?

EXPCULT: Are Protestants/Catholics treated better in expressing their own culture?

TREATPOL: Are Protestants/Catholics treated better by the police?

EDOPPS: Are Protestants/Catholics treated better with educational opportunities?

IMPEQUAL: In which area is it most important that Protestants and Catholics should be treated equally?

EQUITY1: Is this scenario fair?

EQUITY2: Is this scenario fair?

MAINLANG: What is the main language spoken in your own home?

USPKULST: Do you yourself speak Ulster-Scots?

KNSPKULS: Do you know anyone personally who speaks Ulster-Scots?

USPKIRSH: Do you yourself speak Irish?

KNSPKIRS: Do you know anyone personally who speaks Irish?

ULSCOT1: Is Ulster-Scots a vital part of Northern Ireland's heritage?

ULSCOT2: Is Ulster-Scots a dialect in some areas of Northern Ireland?

ULSCOT3: Should government papers be translated into Ulster-Scots?

ULSCOT4: Is it a waste of money to translate government papers into Ulster-Scots?

CULTRAD1: Does living in Northern Ireland mean we are influenced by several cultural traditions?

CULTRAD2: Do you have your own cultural tradition and see no need to take part in any others?

CULTRAD3: Does having different cultural traditions in Northern Ireland mean that there will always be conflict between them?

CULTRAD4: Does having different cultural traditions in Northern Ireland enrich us all?

CULTRAD5: Is your cultural tradition always the underdog?

PRIOREQ: Should it be a top priority for government to make sure that Protestants and Catholics are treated equally?

RIGTCATH: Is there always talk about the rights of Catholics but never not about the rights of Protestants?

RIGTPROT: Is there always talk about the rights of Protestants but never not about the rights of Catholics?

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