Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey 1999

Module: Background

This page lists the questions asked within the Background module in 1999. Clicking on the variable name before each question will bring you to the results for that question.

TENSHORT: Do you own or rent this house/flat/bungalow?

HOUSEHLD : Number in household

RAGECAT : Age of respondent (in age categories)

RSEX : Sex of respondent

RRESP : Does respondent have legal responsibility for accommodation?

RMARSTAT : Marital status of respondent 

HIGHSTED : Highest educational qualification of respondent

TEA: Age when completed continuous full-time education

RECNTACT: Economic activity of respondent

RHOURSWK: How many hours do you normally work per week?

TUNION: Are you currently a member of a trade union?

RJOBCHK: Have you ever had a job?

REMPSEMP: Is/was respondent an employee or self-employed?

RMANFORE: Is/was respondent a manager, foreman/supervisor or neither?

RMANY: How many people do/did you manage or supervise?

RSECT: Work in public, private or voluntary sector?

RNUMEMP: If employee, number of employees where respondent works

RNUMSEMP: If respondent is self-employed, number of employees

ECNACTS: Economic activity of spouse/partner

SHOURSWK: How many hours a week does spouse/partner work?

SJOBCHK: Has spouse/partner ever had a job?

SEMPSEMP: Is spouse/partner an employee or self-employed?

SMANFORE: Is spouse/partner a manager, foreman/supervisor or neither?

SSECT: Spouse/partner work in public, private or voluntary sector?

SNUMEMP: If employee, number of employees where spouse/partner works

SNUMSEMP : If spouse/partner is self-employed, number of employees

RELIGION : Religion of respondent

FAMRELIG : What religion were you brought up in?

CHATTEND : How often do you attend church services/meetings?

RELIGSAM : Is your spouse/partner the same religion as you?

SLFMXSCH : Did you attend a mixed or integrated school in Northern Ireland?

FORMINT : Was this a formally integrated school?

CHDMXSCH : Has any child in your care attended a mixed/integrated school in Northern Ireland?

CAREHOME : Is there anyone living with you whom you look after?

CARESEP : Do you provide regular service/help for someone not living with you?

DISAB : Do you have any long standing health problems or disabilities?

RPENBEN: If respondent is of pensionable age, do you receive any of these pensions or benefits?

SPENBEN: If respondent is of pensionable age, does your spouse/partner receive any of these pensions or benefits?

STATEBEN : Do you receive any of these state benefits? 

PERSINCM : Personal income before tax and National Insurance

LIVEAREA : How long have you lived in the town where you live now?

OUTOFNI : Have you lived outside Northern Ireland for more than six months?

ELSEUK : Did you live elsewhere in the United Kingdom?

ROIRELND : Did you live in the Republic of Ireland?

OUTBISLE : Did you live outside the British Isles?

PLACELIV : How would you describe the place where you live?

NIECON1 : Has Northern Ireland's economy got stronger or weaker over the last year?

NIECON2 : Has Northern Ireland's economy got stronger or weaker over the last ten years?

HINCPAST : Has your household's income fallen behind prices over the last years?

SPEND1 : What is your highest priority for extra government spending?

SPEND2 : What is your second highest priority for extra government spending?

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